Hello, I'm a very interesting and intelligent man. And today, these feet—ugh!—and I will be teaching you some English idioms. I bet you've never been taught by some feet before.
Ahh...the world! One day, I'd like to visit the world. You see, I haven't left this room since... Actually, I've never left this room. Oh, but I'd love to travel! Ahhhh!!! That's right! I've got itchy feet. In English, if you have a strong feeling that you'd like to travel, we say, "I've got itchy feet." I've got itchy feet. Well, maybe I should wash them more often.
啊...世界!有朝一日,我要去看看这世界。你知道,我从没离开过这间房间,自从... 事实上,我从没离开过这间房间。噢,但我很乐意去旅行!啊啊啊啊!!!没错!我好想去旅行啊。英文中,如果你有想去旅行的强烈渴望,我们会说:“我好想去旅行。”我脚好痒好想去旅行。这个嘛,也许我应该要更常洗脚。
I did try to leave this room once. I planned to visit my dream country—Belgium! But, I suddenly became too frightened to do it. That's right. I got cold feet. In English, if we make a plan but then decide not to do it because we are too nervous, we say, "I got cold feet." I got cold feet. Well, perhaps I should buy some socks.

Okay, friends, a word of advice: Never play with guns! Ahhh!!! Otherwise, you could shoot yourself in the foot! In English, if you do something that ruins a situation for you, we say, "I shot myself in the foot." I shot myself in the foot. Like that time I ran a marathon. Instead of drinking water, I drank beer! I was completely useless! I could hardly run in a straight line!
Hang on! Hey, hey, wait for me! Wait, come back! Come back! Come back! I'll wait for ya... I'll... I'll...
等等啊!嘿、嘿,等等我啊!等一下,回来!回来!回来!我会等你... 我会... 我会...