You don't know what the real cause is,it could be in the air or the water.
人们不知道真正的传染源 空气中或者水体中都有可能存在
And so you have the sensation around you of something building up,but you don't know what it is.
人们只是感到周遭 有某种事物正在滋长 对其真实身份却摸不着头脑
The plague takes ten years to cross asia,Moving slowly from village to village.
黑死病用了十几年的时间才横扫亚洲 在村庄间缓慢扩散
But europe is the perfect breeding ground.
Hundreds of cities,80 million people,Living in close quarters.
数以百计的城市鳞次栉比 八千万居民 簇居其中
These cities had all the conditions to sustain plague,the filth, the squalor.
这些城市具备了瘟疫蔓延的 所有先决条件 污秽成河 脏物遍地
The rodents that were just considered part of natural life at that point,
那时 啮齿类动物还被认为是 万千生灵的一部分
and nobody considered that these rodents and their fleas could potentially be a problem.
没人意识到这些啮齿类动物与它们身上的跳蚤 可能会是人类面临的一大挑战
And then you had this massive number of people all packed together in these small dwellings,
再加上为数众多的民众 杂居在那些拥挤的住宅区内
and it was the exact sort of situation you would want if you were trying to cause a plague epidemic.
The plague has entered Agnolo's home,Infecting his wife, Nicoluccia.
黑死病已潜入阿格诺罗的家门 感染了他妻子妮可罗西亚
If you've ever seen bubonic plague,it's very gross.
见识过黑死病的人都知道 病状令人作呕
A huge purple growth takes place,which creates psychological trauma, havoc,an incredible fear.
病人体表会长出紫黑色的脓包 引发心理创伤 使病患饱受折磨 承受难以想象的恐惧