The triumphs of Admass can be plainly seen. It operates in the outer visible world, where it offers more and more things - for more and more money of course-and creates the so-called Good Life.
Against this, at least superficially, 'Englishness' seems a poor shadowy show-a faint pencil sketch beside a poster in full colour-belonging as it really does to the invisible inner world, merely offering states of mind in place of that rich variety of things.
But then while things are important, states of mind are even more important.
It is easy to understand why there should be this conflict between Admass and Englishness.
What is central to Admass is the production and consumption of goods.
If there is enough of this-though of course there never is, because dissatisfaction is built into 'Admass'-there will be sufficient money to pay for its Good Life.
But it is worth noting along the way that while America has been for many years the chief advocate of Admass, America has shown us too many desperately worried executives dropping into early graves,
too many exhausted salesmen taking refuge in bars and breaking up their homes, too many workmen suffering from monotony or time-and-motion studies and wondering how the hell they got into these traps.