I'm thinking about time going in the oppsite direction.
What? Singularities.A collapse, everything into nothing, yes?
什么 奇点 坍圮 是万物化为虚无
So reverse the time so the collapse is an explosion.
那么反过来 坍圮就成了爆炸
Nothing into everything!You're talking about stars?
虚无变为万物 你是说恒星吗
No! No, I'm not talking about stars!
不 不 我不是在说恒星
I'm talking about the beginning of the universe.
That Roger Penrose, clever of me to find him.
罗杰·彭罗斯 我找他真是太明智了
I've told you that you could help him.
He helped himself, I think.That's your other talent.
我想他是自己做到的 这是你的另一个优点
What? - Your preposterous modesty.
什么 -你过分的谦虚