We are pioneers.We explore,discover,Question.
我们是开拓者 我们探索 发现 质疑
Now mankind unlocks the mysteries of the natural world.
如今人类解开 自然世界之谜
New powers unleashed...We're going down!transforming all we are.
新能量的释放...船要沉了! 改变了我们的一切
Amidst the chaos of an unforgiving planet,most species will fail.
这颗星球残酷无情 在无数混乱中 大多数物种将在劫难逃
But for one, all the pieces will fall into place,
但有一个物种 却有条不紊地进化着
and a set of keys will unlock a path for mankind to triumph.
This is our story. The story of all of us.
这就是我们的故事 我们所有人的故事
The planet is a battleground.
Ancient people and beliefs crash head-on into a new age of science and commerce.
古人类和他们的信仰 在新时代科学和商业面前不堪一击
In North America,what will become a land of cities and highways
在北美 土地变成城市和高速路之前
lies under a blanket of forest.
Now pioneers push into the unknown.New England, 1676.
如今开拓者已进入这片未知之地 新英格兰 1676年
Two generations after the mayflower,
150,000 settlers cling to the edge of a vast wilderness.
Among them, the Lewis family.Puritans from England.
他们之中 有来自英格兰的清教徒 刘易斯一家
They've been here 30 years.
The Wabanaki have been here 12,000.