My dreams at that time were rather disturbed.
Before my condition had been diagnosed I had been very bored with life.
在我被确诊之前 我对生活非常厌倦
There had not seemed to be anything worth doing.
But shortly after I came out of hospital I dreamt that I was going to be executed.
但是当我从医院出来的一瞬间 我想我快要完蛋了
I suddenly realized there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do if I were reprieved.
我突然意识到我还有很多值得做的事 如果还有时间的话
I knew perfectly well that he had no faith and to me, that made it the more difficult
我完全理解 他失去了信念 然后 对我而言 那让我心里更加难受
because you must ask yourself,"Why me?"Why this? Why now?"
因为一般人遭遇这种悲剧都会问自己 为什么偏偏是我"偏偏是这种病 偏偏在我正值青春的时候"
But he just totally, flatly accepted that this was what was going to happen to him.
但他不同 他就那么完全坦然地接受了 接受了即将发生的事情
As far as I can gather, at that point he started to do some work.
据我推测 那时候他开始了一些工作
At first, there did not seem much point in working at my research.
一开始 我并不觉得我的研究 能有什么意义
because I didn't expect to live long enough to finish my PhD.
因为我根本没指望活到能够 完成我的博士学位
However, as time went by the disease seemed to slow down.
然而 时间一天天过去 看上去 似乎病情进展延缓了
I began to understand general relativity and made progress with my work.
我开始能理解广义相对论 还在工作中取得了一些进展
But what really made a difference was I had got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde.
不过 一直以来真正支撑着我的是 我那时已经与一位叫简·王尔德的姑娘订了婚
This gave me something to live for but it' also meant I had to get a job if we were to get married.
她是我生命的支柱 同时 这也意味着我得找份工作 如果我真心想和她结婚