Reporter: Dell was famous for its low-cost approach- for its direct-sales model via Internet and telephone. Is that still an advantage today?
Dell: We are 10 times more efficient than all our competitors. Did some improve? Absolutely, but we still have a big advantage. We think we can even enhance it. We,re looking at our entire system and saying, “where do we have overlaps and inefficiencies, where can we reduce time and improve speed, where have we made it too complicated and not gotten value for customers and shareholders?”
Reporter: What was your first move after taking over as CEO again?

Dell: We basically said, bring all your problems to the table and please tell us everything that’s not going as well as it could. We got huge lists out of this. For example, I found out that Dell has been a company which has been very good at listening, but that we had lost some of that. So we created this Web site called Idea Storm. Now we are getting thousands of ideas from customers. Or they vote on different computer housings on this site so we know which one they like. We’re getting this feedback in real time. It’s fantastic.
戴尔:基本上是这样,让顾客们将问题明确地提出来,并且告诉我们所有运行得不够好的地方,我们将会把这些一一列出来。比如说,我们发现戴尔是一个很善于听从顾客意见的公司,但是在这一方面我们仍然有欠缺,所以我们就建立了—名为Ideastorm 的网站,这样我们就能够通过它得到成千上万的顾客们的意见和建议。或者大家可以在这个网址进行投票,选出大家喜欢的计算机外壳,那样我们就能够了解顾客们喜欢什么样的产品。这样我们就能及时地得到回馈,这真的是个很不错的方法。
Reporter: Years ago, people sometimes even lined up on the streets as soon as new computer models or software came out so they could buy the latest. That seems to not be the case so much any more.
Dell: There is still an enthusiast market which always wants the latest, but this percentage of the total market is becoming smaller and smaller. It’s also true that processor speeds are increasing in a way that nobody really needs. The most important thing now is high-speed Internet connections and multi-media applications.
Reporter: In other words, people don’t need a new computer every 18 months any more.
Dell: It depends on your job. If you’re a trader at an investment bank, you always want the fastest. You’ll replace your PC every six months. Consumers probably now buy a new one every three or four years.
Reporter: What does this tell you?
Dell: More and more of our business is focusing on service. Our business services sector has grown in four years from less than $2 billion to $6 billion. We made the PC easy, simple and cost effective. Now we want to make IT easy, simple,and cost effective. A lot of companies are really suffering from complexity in IT and they need an army of consultants to keep their systems running. That’s where we want to help with new and easy standards. To give you an example: We are managing the entire IT-structure of Boeing, including computers, software and printers.
戴尔:我们的产业已经越来越多的侧重于服务方面,我们的产品服务部门在这4年时间内创造的价值,已经从不到20亿美元增长到了 60亿美元。我们使我们的电脑简单实用、价格低廉。我们现在想要我们的IT行业也变得简单实用,价格低廉。很多公司确实因为IT行 业的复杂性受到很大影响,他们需要一批顾问以使得他们的系统能够继续运行。我们想用一些新的、简单的标准来给他们帮助。举例说明,我们现在管理着波音公司整个IT系统,包括计算机、软件和打印机。