I'm proud of our achievements
Reporter: In all of your years at Microsoft, what do you consider your finest achievement?
Ballmer: It’s hard to put my finger on a single thing. I am very excited about where we are as a company today and our growth prospects going forward. Over the last five years, we have put in place a strong mission and values that guide our business approach and culture. Last year we adopted a Business Plan that sets forth a clear roadmap for employees,partners and the industry about our focus and direction. Our competitive focus and execution is clear with respect to Linux and open source. We have solidified important changes to our internal processes that enable much better cross— group collaboration, while giving each of our 7 business groups the ability to function with the appropriate degree of autonomy and agility. We have put a major focus on cost-efficacy so that our operating income is again growing faster than our operating costs. We have initiated key rebuilds in major cost centers such as marketing. And we’re investing significantly in R and D and engineering excellence, and showing excellent results in new product innovation, quality, security and reliability. To be clear, none of this is “my" achievement. It really as an effort that has involved a lot of hard work by Bill, me, our leadership team and our employees.

Reporter: Microsoft has a history of successfully adopting technologies innovated elsewhere. Granted, most useful new technology builds on older technology, but Microsoft is the undisputed king of the “embrace and extend” paradigm. What innovations do you believe are truly original to Microsoft?
记者:微软向来能够在任何地方都很好地采用创新的技术。就算很多有用的最新技术都建立在固有技术上,微软仍是 "迎接新科技、拓展新科技"的榜样,这一点毫无争议。您认为哪些技术是属于微软公司独创的呢?
Ballmer: Innovation means many things. Microsoft can be fairly credited with innovating around the personal computer such that in a very short period of time it has become a ubiquitous tool in business, schools and many homes around the world. We bet our company, literally, on Windows, and on Office,and have continued to innovate in both of these products, and many others over the years, including enterprise servers and applications, mobile devices, applications for small and midsized businesses,entertainment, the Tablet PC, etc. Since Microsoft went public in 1986, we have invested a total of $36 billion in R and D, creating a wide range of integrated technologies that have helped customers and developers do more. Over the next 6 years alone, we will invest another $40 billion in innovation, continuing to make us a top R and D spender in any industry. Specifically, our focus is on integrated innovation, making our products and services work together and understanding how customers use technology and information toimprove their lives. No other company in our industry is focused on this kind of innovation. We also are filing for 2,000 patents a year, a number we expect to increase in the years ahead.
鲍尔默:创新意味着很多事情。公平地说,微软有能力在个人计算机方面进行创新,以至能在很短的一段时间之内使得计算机成为了全世界商业领域、学校甚至很多家庭里普遍存在的一个工具。我们真正地相信我们的公司,相信我们的Windows和Office,我们在这些年中也一直在继续为这些产品和其他的很多产品进行创新,包括企业服务器和应用软件、移动设备、 小中型企业的应用软件、娱乐软件、平板电脑等等。自从微软公司在1986年上市之后,我们在研发方面已经投入了360亿美元,开创了很多综合技术为我们的顾客和开发者做更多事情。在接下来的这短短6年时间里,我们将会在创新方面再投资400亿美元,继续保持我们在所有产业中研发花费最多的位置。具体来说,我们的焦点在于综合性创新,使我们的产品和服务一起工作,并且去了解顾客们是怎样通过技术和信息来提升他们的生活质量的。在我们这个领域的其他公司,都没有进行此类创新。我们在一年中申请了2000项专利,我们希望在接下来的时间中,这个数字可以继续不断地上升。