Narrator: Many HIV positive men in the city end up having unprotected sex with one other.
Schirmer: You know, there's a population of people who shoot crystal meth, or who use crystal meth who are all HIV.
And so that sex pool, that pool of people you know, can all have sex with each other and not worry about transmission to one another, which is in some ways has been like kind of a beautiful part of it, of, of the crystal meth scene.
Narrator: Crystal Meth soon becomes more than just a club drug.

Homosexual Meth users turn to Internet dating sites to hook up, and the search term 'Party and Play' or 'PnP' becomes code for drug-fuelled sex.
Seiver: If you put PnP people, instantly know that you're interested in doing crystal meth and having sex.
You know, it's kind of like the fast food version of, of sex and drugs is, you know, and you get online and you can have someone, at your door within minutes with drugs and ready to have sex with you.
Narrator: For those high on drugs, practicing safe sex is often forgotten in the haze.
Seiver: You can get high on crystal meth and party all night long.
And Partying all night long can mean having sex with lots of guys all night long, even days on end, because the drug keeps you high for that long, and unfortunately what often happens is that using any kind of protection goes out the window.
Narrator: When HIV negative men join in, the crystal meth craze becomes even more deadly.
Schirmer: You have the people who are newly coming into the crystal meth scene who lose all their inhibitions and are HIV negative who are really vulnerable, and especially when you have like, you know, HIV areas and non HIV areas all shooting up and all losing their inhibitions at once.
Narrator: Of the 28,000 cases of AIDS diagnosed in San Francisco through 2008, three quarters were among men who have sex with other men.
Within this community, crystal meth is now a major driver for new HIV infection.
Seiver: Gay men who use methamphetamine are three to four times more likely to have HIV than the gay men who don't.
It's really a significant part of why HIV infections continue to occur.
Narrator: Despite the risk, the pleasures that come with crystal make it extremely hard to give up.
Schirmer: It was the most psychologically addictive drug I've ever taken in my life, and to this day getting off crystal meth, I think is a lot harder than getting off heroin.
Narrator: The overall cost of methamphetamine to the United States is estimated at $23 billion a year, but the human cost of the ruined relationships, careers, and health of addicts, is impossible to quantify.
Even so, $35 billion worth of profits from producing and distributing meth continue to pour into Drugs, Inc.