Today’s key word is Choice
Choice 选择 抉择
If there is a choice of things, there are several of them and you can choose the one you want.
Here is an example
At lunchtime, there's a choice between Rice or Noodle.
First of all, can I ask both of you guys if your mother and your girlfriends were both drowning in the water who will you save first? Brain, would you like to fill that?
Given that I believe my mother knows how to swim and my girlfriend probably does~~~ This is a tricky one. Your mother is always your mother, isn’t she?
You have a girlfriend; you might have a girl friend for just maybe a couple of months or so.
If it is a new relationship, it might be less difficult to cut the girl lose to save your mother.
It seems that now the Chinese ministry of Justice has provided the answer----the mother!