Bill Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. He entered office at 46,being the third youngest president after Theodore Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy. His wife is Hillary Rodham Clinton-the current United States Secretary of State. They have a daughter called Chelsea Victoria Clinton.
Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III,in Hope, Arkansas. His father died in an accident three months before he was born. Bill's mother then remarried and moved to Hot Springs, his step father "a gambler and an alcoholic". In 1963,as a Boys Nation senator, he visited the White House and met President John F. Kennedy. In the same year, he listened to Martin Luther King's 1963 I Have a Dream speech. These two influential moments together contributed to his decision to become a public figure.
比尔·克林顿出生于美国阿肯色州霍普镇,原名威廉杰斐逊布莱思三世。在他出生前三个月,父亲就因车祸去世。后来随母亲改嫁到温泉城, 继父是一个"赌徒"和"酒鬼"。1963年,他以少年国家参议员的身份参观了白宫并受到约翰F·肯尼迪的接见。同年,他聆听了马丁·路德金著名的《我有一个梦想》的演讲。这两件大事促使他决心成为一名公众人物。

In 1964, Bill Clinton entered Georgetown University, and received a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service (BSFS) degree four years later. At school he served as chairman of the students' union and had worked as an intern for Arkansas Senator J. William Fulbright. Upon graduation he won a Rhodes scholarship to Oxford University, then left for Law School of Yale University in 1970 and graduated 3 years later. At Yale, he got to know and fell in love with Hillary Diane Rodham, the whole process being so dramatic that it has been passed to be a much-told story. With his Doctor's degree from Yale Law School, he returned to Arkansas and became a professor at the University of Arkansas. In 1975, he married Hillary.
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