The Yale School of Drama is a graduate professional school of Yale University providing training in every discipline of the theatre: acting, design (set design, costume design, lighting design), directing, dramaturgy and dramatic criticism, play writing,stage management, sound design, technical design and production, and theater management.
The school traces its roots to the Yale Dramatic Association, the second-oldest college theatre association in the country, founded in 1900. The "Drama" produced the American premieres of Albert Camus's Caligula and Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, as well as original works by Cole Porter, Stephen Vincent Benet, and Thornton Wilder written when they were students. This lively dramatic tradition led to the funding, in 1924,by Yale benefactor Edward S. Harkness, to establish the Department of Drama in the School of Fine Arts, and for the construction of the University Theatre, designed by James Gamble Rogers. George Pierce Baker, a teacher of playwriting, was the first chairman of the department. The first Master of Fine Arts in drama was granted in 1931.In 1955, the department was organized as a separate professional school, the first such in the Ivy League.
耶鲁大学戏剧学院的前身是耶鲁戏剧协会,创立于1900年,是美国第二个大学戏剧团体。学院历史上产生了阿尔伯特·加缪的《罗马帝国艳情史》,莎士比亚的《特洛勒斯与克丽西德》等著名作品, 也出现了一系列原创作者,包括处于学生时代的科尔波特,斯蒂芬·文森特·贝尼特和桑顿·威尔德等。1924年,耶鲁赞助商爱德华· S· 哈克尼斯 提出筹集资金在美术学院设立戏剧系,同时为该系建立剧场,由詹姆斯·甘布尔·罗杰斯设计,剧本创作教师乔治·皮尔斯·贝克担任系主任。1931年,第一个戏剧美学硕士被授予学位。1955年,戏剧系第一次被常春藤联盟设为独立专业学院。

The School of Drama offers a Master of Fine Arts in acting, design (with emphasis on sets, costume, and lighting), directing, dramaturgy and dramatic criticism,playwriting, stage management, sound design, technical design and production, and theatre management (with a joint M.F.A./ Master of Business Administration available to management students in conjunction with the Yale School of Management). Students must hold an undergraduate degree and complete their program of study with distinction, which requires three years in residence. A Certificate in Drama is available to those students who do not hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited college, but who are admitted and complete the same training as M.F.A. students. The school also offers a Doctor of Fine Arts to students who hold an M.F.A. degree in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism and have written a dissertation approved by the D.F.A. committee, and a Technical Internship Certificate to students who complete a one-year internship program of the Technical Design and Production department.
耶鲁大学戏剧学院设立了美术硕士学位,专业包括表演、设计(舞台设计、服装 设计和灯光设计)、导演、戏剧作法、戏剧批判、剧本创作、舞台管理、听觉设计、 技术设计与生产、剧场管理(与耶鲁大学管理学院建立紧密联系)等。学生必须持有大学学位证,并以突出成绩完成大学三年的所有课程才可申请硕士学位。同时该院也 对一些来自信誉度较高的学校、获得艺术硕士同等学力,但没有获得大学学位证书的学生,授予戏剧相关认证。学院还设立美术博士学位,学习戏剧批评的学生要获得艺术硕士学位,并至少有一篇获得艺术博士委员会认可的论文。如果学生完成了为期一年的技术设计和作品实习课程,还可获得学院颁发的技术实习证。
Theater has been a vibrant part of life at Yale. Throughout the academic year, students create their own productions, affording the public an opportunity to experience the future of the American theater today. School of Drama students spend the morning in class,with the exact number of hours varying by their year in school and their department. After 2 p.m., all classes are over, and rehearsals for Yale Repertory Theatre and School of Drama productions begin. Rehearsals can last up to eight hours. After rehearsal hours are over at 11 p.m., many students choose to continue rehearsing for productions at the Yale Cabaret. Students also participate in athletic clubs, like soccer and volleyball, and mingle at events with their compatriots in the Yale School of Art and Yale School of Architecture.
戏剧已经成为耶鲁大学学生生活中鲜活的一部分。通过学院的学习,学生们自己创作演出,为大众提供领略美国戏剧明天的机会。戏剧学院的学生上午上课,根据学年和系的不同上课的时数有所区别。下午两点后,所有课程都已经结束,学生们开始排练为耶鲁话剧院和戏剧学院制作的演出。排练可长达8小时。排练结束后,已经是晚上11点多。许多学生选择继续在耶鲁歌厅排练。学生还参加体育俱乐部,如足球, 排球,并与来自耶鲁艺术学院和建筑学院的同学们一起参加活动。