Alexander Van der Bellen, a former head of the Green party, won Austria's presidential election by just 31,000 votes, defeating Norbert Hofer of the Freedom Party. Had he won this post, Mr. Hofer would have been the first far-right head of state in the European Union. His surprisingly high support reflected voter anger over immigration. As in several European countries, the far right has been making ground.
奥地利绿党(Green party)前导人亚历山大·范德贝伦(Alexander Van der Bellen)仅以31000票击败自由党候选人诺贝特·霍费尔(Norbert Hofer),赢得奥地利总统选举。如果霍费尔赢得此次选举,他将成为欧盟历史上首位极端右翼国家领导人。霍费尔高涨的支持率反映了选民在难民问题上的愤怒。极右派势力已在欧洲多国逐渐兴起。
In Brussels Greece's creditors agreed on a deal to secure debt relief for the country. The measures, which were thrashed out in late-night talks after months of wrangling, are intended to restructure Greek debt, which is currently 180% of GDP. Greece will receive 10 billion ($11billion) in aid to help it avoid a default, starting with 7.5 billion next month.

After being detained in Russia for two years Nadia Savchenko, a Ukrainian pilot, was released from jail and sent home. She was exchanged for two Russian prisoners captured in Ukraine. On her return home Ms Savchenko ironically thanked those who had “wished me evil”, and was greeted as a national hero.
在被俄罗斯扣押两年之久后,乌克兰飞行员纳季娅·萨夫琴科(Nadia Savchenko)获赦回国,同时作为交换,两名关押在乌克兰的俄罗斯囚犯也重新回到俄罗斯。回国途中,萨夫琴科讽刺地向那些“咒骂自己”的人表示感谢。她被乌克兰民众奉为国家英雄。
In Turkey Binali Yildirim was sworn in as prime minister following the ouster of his predecessor, Ahmet Davutoglu. Mr. Yildirim is a loyal supporter of Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president, and vowed to continue with an overhaul of the constitution which is handing more powers to the presidency.
继土耳其前总理艾哈迈德·达乌特奥卢(Ahmet Davutoglu)辞去总理一职后,比纳利·耶尔德勒姆(Binali Yildirim)宣誓接任总理职位。耶尔德勒姆是土耳其总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)的忠实支持者,并承诺继续推进制度改革,将更多的权力递交到总统手中。
Romero Jucá, Brazil's planning minister, stepped aside after tapes were leaked in which he appeared to suggest that the impeachment of the president, Dilma Rousseff, would blunt an investigation into the multibillion- dollar scandal centered on Petrobras, the state-controlled oil company. Mr Jucá, one of the targets of the investigation, says his remarks were misinterpreted. He was only recently appointed by the interim president, Michel Temer. The new government proposed several reform measures, including a cap on the growth of public spending.
随着“录音丑闻”的曝光,巴西计划部长罗梅罗·茹卡(Romero Jucá)引咎辞职。茹卡在录音中称,只有弹劾总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)才能阻止贪腐调查的进行。该贪腐调查主要针对巴西国家石油公司(Petrobras),涉及金额数十亿美元。作为调查对象之一,茹卡表示自己的言论受到了曲解。茹卡近日被代总统米歇尔·特梅尔(Michel Temer)任命为计划部长。巴西临时政府提出了数项改革方案,其中包括限制政府开支。