Cuba's Communist government said it would legalize small and medium-sized enterprises. That builds on earlier reforms, which allow “self-employed” Cubans to own restaurants, bed-and-breakfasts and other small businesses.
Coca-Cola stopped producing sugary drinks in Venezuela because it cannot obtain sugar. Price controls have made growing sugar cane unprofitable and the country suffers from a shortage of foreign exchange.

Iraq's government announced the start of an operation to retake Fallujah, a city just a 30-minute drive from Baghdad that has been held by Islamic State for the past two years.
伊拉克政府宣布采取行动收复费卢杰(Fallujah)。费卢杰距巴格达(Baghdad)仅30分钟车程,在过去两年里一直为“伊斯兰国”组织(Islamic State)所占领。
Avigdor Lieberman, who leads Israel's nationalist Yisrael Beiteinu party, joined Binyamin Netanyahu's coalition government, and became defense minister. Mr. Lieberman, who lives in a Jewish settlement in the West Bank, has repeatedly derided efforts to secure peace with the Palestinians.
以色列“我们的家园以色列”党(Yisrael Beiteinu)领导人阿维格多·利伯曼(Avigdor Lieberman)加入本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)联合政府,担任国防部长。利伯曼生活在约旦河西岸的犹太人居民区,他对以巴和谈始终保持嘲讽的态度。
A series of bombings hit two government strongholds on Syria's coast, killing as many as100 people.
The government and opposition leaders in Burundi started talks to resolve a crisis in which more than 1,000 people are thought to have been killed. But the government excluded key opposition figures from the talks, reducing the chances of a successful outcome.
The monetary-policy committee of Nigeria's central bank voted to allow the currency, the naira, to float against the dollar. The country has previously maintained an overinflated peg against the dollar that is 40% higher than the black-market rate, leading to a shortage of hard currency.
In a report to Congress Hillary Clinton was criticized by the State Department's inspector general for using a private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. Mrs. Clinton should have discussed the security risks with officials, the report said, though it recognized that the department had a history of dealing inadequately with electronic messages. The issue continues to dog Mrs. Clinton's campaign.