The scree is looser than I thought,rocks of the size of my head flying pass me.
这片山坡远没我想象中坚实 脑袋大的石块飞过
I need to change direction to avoid being taken out.
我必须不断变换方向 以免被石头击中
I think by the end of it, even he realize that he was he was lucky this time,by missing those boulders.
拍摄结束之后 就连贝尔本人都觉得 能躲过这一劫 实在是太幸运了
Gee, big things,keep fly pass my head,I try to kinda of get out the way into the side,
天呐 这些大石头 不断地朝我砸过来 我努力的想躲到一边去
but the bottom line is really, I gotta be lucky then.
但是说实话 我刚才实在是太幸运了
I'm a great believer in working with and never against nature.
我始终坚信想要生存就必须顺从自然 而不能反其道而行之
But sometimes she does throw suprises in your way.
Steady here.It must be 50, 60 foot down there.
稍等一下 这里至少有五六十英尺高
In Norway, I needed a way down,and I thought nature had the answer.
在挪威的摄制中 有一次需要下山 我以为大自然会帮我一把
Hang on, there is a birch tree over there. I've got a idea.
等一下 那里有棵桦树 我有办法了
The skies are taken the quick way down.
And I hopeing a flexible birch tree will get me down just as fast.
同时也希望柔韧的桦树 也能把我送下去
The plan is tenuous,grab the top of the tree,and use my weight to bend it over.
我的想法很简单 抓住桦树的顶端 然后利用我的体重将其压弯
So far, so good.Sort of.
目前为止一切都很顺利 勉强算是吧
Birch tree is meant to be bending.But I'm all right.Snow took most of that.
桦树应该很有弹性的呀 不过我并无大碍 积雪起到了很好的缓冲作用
Survival terrain and eventually you should find a way out.
When you do,It's always a blast.
而最佳的获救时间 往往转瞬即逝