Now to the earthquake outbreak. Three deadly quakes in three days. The soaring death toll—the search for victims now under way.
In Ecuador, surveillance video showing the moment disaster struck. Items flying off shelves. The quake measuring 7.8—more than 230 killed. And in Japan, more than 40 people are dead after two earthquakes hit there. Rescuers searching for missing victims.
在厄瓜多,监视录影画面显示灾难来袭那刻。物品从架上飞落。这场地震规模估计为 7.8——有超过 230 人死亡。而在日本,两场地震发生后有超过 40 人死亡。搜救人员正在寻找失踪受难者。
What's known as the Ring of Fire—take a look—lining the Pacific, running along the American west coast. New concerns tonight about the big one hitting here. ABC's Matt Gutman, in Japan.
被称作“火环带”的区域——来看看——环绕着太平洋、沿着美洲西岸走。今晚有关于强烈大地震袭击这个地方的新疑虑。ABC 记者 Matt Guttman,在日本为您报导。

The third massive quake, the strongest yet, leaving shoppers screaming, products tumbling off the shelves, and then darkness.
The epicenter of this powerful 7.8-magnitude quake, just 110 miles west of Ecuador's capital. Its president saying today hundreds are dead. This man using his hands to dig into a mountain of bricks. He tells us three are alive and a girl is dead.
这场规模 7.8 的强烈地震的震央,仅位于厄瓜多首都西方110英里处。厄瓜多总统表示今天有数百人死亡。这名男子用他的双手挖掘瓦砾堆。他告诉我们有三个人生还,而一位女孩死了。
Tonight, experts warning the United States is also in danger.
We're all on the Ring of Fire. This is a very active part of the earth. And it's a reminder that this is a hazard that we face.
Across the Pacific, a spasm of hundreds of earthquakes and aftershocks killing dozens. Most of the dead in the town of Mashiki. At this one on Friday, rescuers gently delivering this nine-month-old baby girl from death's grip. That rescue—the one bright spot amid the grim task of recovery. In that same neighborhood, we found these rescuers.
So this crew's checking out the hardest-hit homes, and one house in particular that they want to hit is the one where that nine-month-old baby girl was rescued from. They wanna make sure that nobody's still in there.
Minutes later, they found it.
So this rescue crew finally found the house where they rescued that eight-month-old girl just a couple days ago. And when you look at this house, it's incredible that anyone was able to survive.
Then, a man approached us. He said he was the baby's grandfather. Her name? Baby Miku.
接着,一名男子走向我们。他说他是女婴的爷爷。女婴的名字?小 Miku。
Rescued. Exactly. Thank God, right?
He then tells us we can meet her, hopping in the only possession he has left.
Hi, sweet girl.
And she was right there when we walked up to the shelter. All cheeks and completely unscathed.
Miku's family told me they lost everything in the quake but also that they found the most important thing—their family. But the recovery here is being hampered by hundreds of aftershocks, and the fear that another massive one could come at any time. Tom?
Miku 的家人告诉我,他们在地震中失去一切,但也发现最重要的事物--他们的家人。不过这里的修复之路被无数余震给阻碍,以及另一场大地震可能随时到来的恐惧。Tom?