I'm Bear Grylls.
I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive to some of the most dangerous places on earth.
我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地带 逃出生天
I've got to make it through a week of challenges in the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right survival skills.
短短一周内 我将身涉险境 面临生死考验 周遭炼狱 没有生存技巧 你命在旦夕 而我要设法突出重围
This time I'm gonna be in the typhoon hit mountains of southern China.
这次我将前往位于中国南部 一个刚遭受台风侵袭的山区
where I'll be back fighting with the landscape.
Okay. Mountain trees commit this front.
好的 兵来将挡 水来土掩
Descending in the darkest recesses of China's vast cave network.
Oh my god These bats sticking there!
我的天 蝙蝠们都在那倒挂着呢
I'll show you how to survive whatever jungle creatres I can hit upon.
我将向你展示如何用丛林中的 一切动物来填饱自己的肚子
China is one cool and crazy place.
中国是一个酷劲十足 令人着迷的地方
Last time I set foot on the country was on summit Everest.
This place feels a million miles way from there.
China just been hit by typhoon Parma and all aircraft grounded.
中国刚刚遭受到了台风帕尔马的袭击 所有的飞机都停飞了
The only way I'm gonna get out this town is by hitting a ride in a truck.Pigs!
我离开这的唯一办法就是 搭顺风车 大肥猪
China is one of the densely populating countries in the world.
But where I'm heading you gonna be on your own.
但是我要前往的地方 你只能依靠自已
So I'm off to the remote mountain ranges of the south.