A great famine resulted followed by a Gothic revolt in 377.
The next year the Goths handed the Romans a terrific whipping at the battle of Adrianople and ran riot all through the Balkans.
The new Emperor Theodosius could not beat the Goths in the field so he bought them off with a treaty.
The Goths received land in modern day Bulgaria and were enrolled into the Roman army as "foederati" or federated troops.

Although the Goths lived within Rome's borders and defended the borders, they were not allowed to think of themselves as Roman and this was a bad career move.
Somehow Theodosius held the Barbarians in check as long as he lived and he earned, for this, the name The Great but he could not produce sadly a worthy successor.
The Eastern half to the Roman Empire went to Theodosius' eighteen-year-old son Arcadius, 395 to 408 AD and the Western half went to his ten-year-old son Honorius, 395 to 423 AD.
Although they were to co-ordinate their efforts as Diocletian had hoped to do with the Tetrarchy a century earlier,
this time the Empires break into Eastern and Western halves was permanent.
In a way this was nearly inevitable, the Romans had conquered and brought order to the entire Mediterranean world.
The hellenistic peoples of the east had accepted Roman civilisation and the ex-barbarians of the west had adopted Roman civilisation.
The Roman achievement was so amazing that one might assume that it could continue this way forever, which, of course, it doesn't it never does.