The Romans had held both halves of the Empire together for three major reasons.
First the Romans willingness to embrace Greek culture had made it easy to rule
the Greek speaking peoples of the Empires eastern half.
Two Augustus' success at fixing the dead Roman republic and balancing civilian and military power had made the Pax Romana possible.
Third the Romans were just plain lucky, lucky that no evil empire or marauding Barbarians had been knocking down Rome's doors or to be more precise Rome's limes but by Theodosius' death the Greek and Roman cultures had fused as much as they were going to fuse and now they were starting to split along religious lines. The Pax Romana now existed only in fits and starts.

Finally, the Roman world was beset by dangerous enemies on almost all sides.
Neither Arcadias nor Honorius was cut out to rule half of the Roman Empire.
Honorius indeed was said to be such a dimbulb that "Roma" to him meant only the name of his pet chicken.
Rome had come down quite a bit in other ways too.
It had become more or less a provincial backwater thanks to its distance from the military flashpoints of the Western Empire.
Beginning in 402 AD Honorius would rule the Western Empire from Ravenna in Italy's far north-west,
an isolated garrison town surrounded by marshes and far closer to the Danube and Rhine frontiers.
Arcadias, meanwhile, ruled from the growing city of Constantinople,
already a military centre and fast becoming the cultural centre of the Eastern Empire.
Both Arcadias and Honorius left the real work of running the Empire to German generals and/or trusted confidents, each was succeeded by a rush of puppet emperors who were controlled by more of the usual generals and trusted confidents.