In our local village? This article, I couldn't find a study that is more recent, this was published in 2004.
我们的象牙塔里的情况如何? 有一篇文章. 我无法找到更新的研究 它是在2004年发表的
Harvard Crimson. This article says that, in their 6 months study of this, 80% of Harvard students experienced depression.
《哈佛克里姆森》 这篇文章说 经过他们6个月的研究 哈佛大学八成的学生在过去一年
Over the past year. Now we are not talking about the regular ups and downs that most people have ten times a day I certainly do.
都经历过抑郁期 我们说的不是大多数人一天里 经常出现的情绪起伏 我也是如此
We are talking about depression here. For an extended period of time. 47% of Harvard students, according to this.
我们说的是抑郁 它会持续一段时间 根据这份研究 47%的哈佛学生.
And grant it: this is not academic study, but I will share with you academic study in a minute, published in a top-tier refereed journal.
这不是学术研究 但是我待会就和你们分享学术研究 它发表在高级期刊上
But Crimson has founded in its survey that 47% Harvard students over the past year have experienced depression to the point of not functioning.
但是克里姆森里的研究表明 47%的哈佛学生在过去一年 经历过无法正常生活学习的抑郁期
So they couldn't leave home. They were really struggling to just basically get through the day. 47%.
他们无法出门 他们要痛苦地度日 47%的人
Now when people look at this, they say "well of course, we need to focus more on psychopathology. 21 to 1 not enough! 30 to 1 sounds more like it. "
人们看到这个数据的时候 他们说 "当然了 我们要努力研究精神病理学" "21比1还不足够 30比1才像样"
We see it around campuses. This is not peculiar to Harvard. Not at all peculiar to Harvard.
这样的情况各个校园都有 而不仅仅是哈佛 绝对不是哈佛才有的现象
Richard Kadison, who is the head of mental health services here.
Richard Kadison 他是这里的心理健康服务中心的领导 他最近在医学领域的领先杂志