Prince Garcia asks...
"What's a good way to calm yourself down?"
If you put your hand to the heart, it will calm you down.
It's always good when you have one of those little squishy balls you can squish out your anger with.
Lay on the couch, face down, with a pillow. And just do that for, like, five minutes and you'll be good.
Bubble bath.
I like to take a hot shower or bath.
Writing whatever you're feeling down, depending on what kind of emotions you're having, like what you need to calm down from.
Go outside. Take a nice, fresh breath of air. And then just, at the top of your lungs, scream, What's going on?!
Meditate, sweetie. Meditate.
Deep breathing is a good idea. Yoga is a good idea.
Take a very deep breath. Let it out very slowly. And do that four or five times, and focus on your breathing.
Two rules I live by: rule number one, don't sweat the little things; rule number two, everything's a little thing. So just think that, close your eyes, relax, and say, "Everything's a little thing. Calm down." And you'll be a lot better off.
Brianna Novinsky says...
"How do I tell my parents to leave me alone in the nicest way possible?"
Good luck with that. I don't know. I don't think they will. I mean, especially if you try to make them leave you alone, they're gonna be like, "Suspect. What's going on in there?" And then they're not gonna want to leave you alone even more.
There is no nice way to tell your parents that you want to be left alone.
Do whatever they've asked you to do without them having to tell you. Maybe they won't bother you anymore, and you can have some alone time all to yourself.
You just have to say, "Leave me alone, please."
"Parents, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Leave me alone." (snaps fingers)
"I'd like to spend some time apart." That sounds like you're breaking up.
You go, "Mom and Dad, PLEASE just leave me alone. I'm doing my own stuff right now."
Ask them to sit down for a moment. And then explain to them what you're doing so that they won't be worried about the time when you need your space.
Say, "Hey, Mom or Dad, can I talk to you? Can you please leave me alone? I really want my privacy right now."
"Hey, Mom and Dad, love you so much. You're amazing. Is there anyone better than you? I think not. And by the way, can I just have a minute? Like, it's cool, right?"