Chili pepper, native to South America,
五味里的"辣" 原本是"辛",泛指一切刺激性的味道
as well as ginger from Southeast Asia and Sichuan pepper,
are the most commonly used spices in Chinese kitchens.
Capsaicin and several related chemicals are the substances that give chili peppers their intensity.
辣味来自食材中的辣椒素等化学物质 它们刺激人体的细胞
When consumed, pain receptors in the mouth would send a message to the brain that the person has consumed something hot.
在大脑中形成类似于灼烧的微量刺激 这种感觉停留在舌头上时
Such burning sensation is a good appetite booster.
Chili pepper is the signature ingredient of Sichuan cuisine,
在川菜中 无论是作主料、辅料还是作调味料
be it used as a main ingredient, as a supplement ingredient, or as a seasoning.
辣椒都是宠儿 它给川菜烙上了鲜明的印记
People living in the Sichuan Basin know the best how to enjoy leisure best.
They have a relentless pursuit for the tastes of foods and a unique perception of chili pepper.
他们对味道的追求尤为独特 对辣椒的理解也各有心得
At the end of the autumn,others begin to dry their chili peppers.
秋末冬初 四川人让辣椒自然脱水
But Hu's peppers are still in the fields,fresh and shiny.
She deliberately delayed the planting and harvesting of her peppers
素琼特意推迟了 这一季辣椒的种植和采摘
so that they can be sold at better prices in the winter.
This is something that her husband appreciates and admires the most.
Fresh peppers draw the attention of one of their regular customers.
I need those long and red ones.
The best and the reddest ones.
It's the best one.
Otherwise the color of the dishes would not be good.