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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • They are good. We are asking "How can we improve? What can we do better?" But if we don't also ask the positive question.
  • 它们都是好的动机 我们问的是 "我们如何改善?怎样才能做得更好?" 但如果我们不问积极的问题
  • That part of reality will not exist as far as we are concerned. Just like for the psychologists for decade, the answer to their questions, the solution.
  • 在我们看来那部分现实并不存在 就像数十年来对那些心理学家一样 他们问题的答案 问题的解决方案
  • To the problem that they wanted to solve did not exist, even though it is right there, in front of their very eyes within the successful kids.
  • 并不存在 即使它就在那里 在他们的眼前 在那些成功孩子的身上
  • Within their resilience. Questions create reality. The questions we ask very often determine.
  • 在他们的心理弹性里 问题缔造现实 我们所问的问题通常决定了
  • The quest that we will pursue, the path that we will take, the life that we will lead.
  • 我们追求的东西 我们会走的道路 我们会过的生活
  • Whether it's individually, whether it's interpersonally, whether it's organizationally.
  • 不管是从个人方面来说 从人际关系方面来说 从组织方面来说都是这样
  • What is the question? Many of you I know are going into consulting. What's the question that most consultants ask.
  • 什么问题. 我知道你们很多会要当心理辅导师 心理辅导师最经常问的问题是什么?
  • Either explicit question or implicit question, the first time when they meet a client? "What's wrong? What can we improve?
  • 不管他们是否说出来 他们首次见到客户问的问题是什么? "有什么问题?有什么需要改善的?"
  • What are the weaknesses that we need to strengthen them?" Again, important questions to ask. But if you only ask these questions.
  • "有什么缺点需要改正?" 再说一次 它们是很重要的问题 但如果你只问这些问题
  • Then you are ignoring the strengths, the virtues of the organization.
  • 那么你就忽视了这个机构的 优势以及美德
  • And what you are doing, you are enervating, you are weakening the organization over time.
  • 你所做的只是在让他们失去活力
  • It is as important, if not more important, to also appreciate what is working.
  • 你在让公司慢慢地变弱 欣赏起作用的东西 也同样重要 如果不是更重要的话
  • Organizationally, interpersonally, as well as individually. It is important to appreciate what is good. I mean, look at the word, "appreciate"
  • 不管是在机构里 人际关系里或个人方面 欣赏好的事物非常重要 看看"Appreciate"这个词


They are good. We are asking "How can we improve? What can we do better?" But if we don't also ask the positive question.

它们都是好的动机 我们问的是 "我们如何改善?怎样才能做得更好?" 但如果我们不问积极的问题

That part of reality will not exist as far as we are concerned. Just like for the psychologists for decade, the answer to their questions, the solution.

在我们看来那部分现实并不存在 就像数十年来对那些心理学家一样 他们问题的答案 问题的解决方案

To the problem that they wanted to solve did not exist, even though it is right there, in front of their very eyes within the successful kids.

并不存在 即使它就在那里 在他们的眼前 在那些成功孩子的身上

Within their resilience. Questions create reality. The questions we ask very often determine.

在他们的心理弹性里 问题缔造现实 我们所问的问题通常决定了

The quest that we will pursue, the path that we will take, the life that we will lead.

我们追求的东西 我们会走的道路 我们会过的生活

Whether it's individually, whether it's interpersonally, whether it's organizationally.

不管是从个人方面来说 从人际关系方面来说 从组织方面来说都是这样

What is the question? Many of you I know are going into consulting. What's the question that most consultants ask.

什么问题. 我知道你们很多会要当心理辅导师 心理辅导师最经常问的问题是什么?

Either explicit question or implicit question, the first time when they meet a client? "What's wrong? What can we improve?

不管他们是否说出来 他们首次见到客户问的问题是什么? "有什么问题?有什么需要改善的?"

What are the weaknesses that we need to strengthen them?" Again, important questions to ask. But if you only ask these questions.

"有什么缺点需要改正?" 再说一次 它们是很重要的问题 但如果你只问这些问题

Then you are ignoring the strengths, the virtues of the organization.

那么你就忽视了这个机构的 优势以及美德

And what you are doing, you are enervating, you are weakening the organization over time.


It is as important, if not more important, to also appreciate what is working.

你在让公司慢慢地变弱 欣赏起作用的东西 也同样重要 如果不是更重要的话

Organizationally, interpersonally, as well as individually. It is important to appreciate what is good. I mean, look at the word, "appreciate"

不管是在机构里 人际关系里或个人方面 欣赏好的事物非常重要 看看"Appreciate"这个词

重点单词   查看全部解释    
implicit [im'plisit]


adj. 含蓄的,暗示的,固有的,无疑问的,无保留的,绝

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

strengthen ['streŋθən]


v. 加强,变坚固

concerned [kən'sə:nd]


adj. 担忧的,关心的

explicit [iks'plisit]


adj. 明确的,详述的,明晰的,外在的

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

pursue [pə'sju:]


v. 追捕,追求,继续从事

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意





