Use the mic. Oh My kind of crude of intuition is that Joe may be a little more absolutist than.
Me and that Ayla maybe a little more relativist, I'm not sure if that makes any sense but I think that when it comes to the issue of argumentation.
And change I mean I think I mentioned in my paper that winning the argument might not be enough You know you can win the argument in.
Whatever way and then people won't listen to you even though you won and they'll continue to do what they're doing and you have to find some form.
赢得辩论 即便你赢了人们也不会听你讲话 他们会继续从事自己所做的事所以你必须要找到你想让其发生变化的
Social action that will get the change that you want, so that in response to Joe's comments I'm a little bit, I'm satisfied that the kind of presentation that I.
Gave would exclude pretty much everything that the CIA and the military are doing that I don't like and to imagine another situation where they might do.
Something that I would like even less isn't really necessary Whereas to Ayla's point which is kind of the extreme emphasis on the fact that well.
They won't, maybe they won't listen to your arguments because they have private reasons that they haven't shared, I think the goal was.