Survive in the depressed economy
Rosenfeld: Glad to be here.
Reporter: Notwithstanding the fact that people have to eat no matter what the economy, is this a good time to be in the food business?

Rosenfeld: Oh, I’ll tell you I think it’s a fabulous time to be in the food business. As you say, people have to eat and I think that certainly helps our industry in general but I think it’s a particularly good time to be a Kraft. We make a number of the foods that people love. What we’re seeing in response to the difficult economic environment, we are seeing a lot more people that are eating at home. And when they eat at home, they come home to Kraft. I think that’s been very helpful to our business and I think it will serve us well as we continue into 2009.
Reporter: How do you continue that though when the economy is most likely not getting any better any time soon and people are really going to have to watch what they are spending on?
Rosenfeld: Well I think we have a variety of offerings that play weir in the current economic environment. We have products like DiGiomo frozen pizza,that are very viable substitutes for some of the foods that they might have bought at quick serve restaurants-and then we have a number of value oriented products like Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Kool—Aid, Jell—O that offer a great value in the current economic environments. I think that we are well positioned to continue to grow in this very difficult environment
Reporter: How do you- not restructure—but how do you reframe this company to make it more attractive when people are really watching their pocketbooks?
Rosenfeld: I think the biggest thing we have done is to ensure that the message about our iconic brands is focused on the value that they offer. So we talk for example in Kool—Aid, we talk about offering more smiles per gallon. The fact that you can get five times as many pitchers of Kool—Aid as you can get with a two liter bottle of soda pop. We talk about the fact that our macaroni and cheese costs 40 cents a serving. Those are very strong value messages- the fact that when you eat some of our cheese and crackers, it’s less than a dollar a serving. And so we are trying hard to help consumers understand the value of the products that we are offering and we’re shifting a lot of spending this year to that kind of messaging.
罗森菲尔德:我想,我们所做的最重要的事情就是确定向顾客们传达,我们的领导品牌地位是在与产品的价值紧密相连的基础上建立起来的。所以比如说我们会谈论 "酷翠”产品,谈论我们能让每加仑多一些微笑。我们会为顾客提供比2升的汽水瓶容量多5倍的产品;我们也会谈论我们的一人份通心粉或者是奶酪花费的是40美分。这些都是一些有价值的信息。事实是,如果你吃我们公司生产的奶酷和薄脆饼干的话,你一次只需花费不到1美元。所以我们尽全力帮助顾客们了解我们产品的价值,我们也将一些花费转移到了这种信息的宣传上面。
Reporter: Let me ask you about that—that messaging-or marketing is another phrase. Do you find it to be a cost effective thing to get all that advertising out there when there’s first of all, a lot of value messaging out there from other companies, but also consumers really watching what they spend?
Rosenfeid: Very much so. There’s no question that we have well recognized, beloved brands and to the extent that we can tell those brands’ stories in a way that is relevant to consumers in the current economic environment, I think that we will be successful in the future. So we are actually finding that the value of investing in those kinds of messages today is much more important than ever.