Reporter: You say beloved brands, others would say, “oldish”. I mean, Kraft cheese, Oreo’s—I mean they’re not the most sparkling brand new kids on the block. What do you think about this kind of issue?

Rosenfeid: I feel awfully proud of what our team has accomplished as they have reframed these beloved, age old brands to be increasingly relevant to consumers in the current environment. So if you look at the packaging that you see for a number of our products, I think that you see much more of a contemporary feel. I think if you look at what we’ve done to the ingredients salad dressing for example, we’ve taken out the preservatives; we’ve added fiber to a number of our biscuit products— across the board we are working very hard to ensure that we are upgrading these age-old products that consumers grew up with and love that we are upgrading these products to address contemporary consumer needs.
Reporter: Let me pick up on that for a second. My kids for some reason, and maybe this is because of my wife and I,I don’t know—but I grew up with Kraft Singles, I mean that was just a staple around my house. But my kids have just sort of discovered them. How do you get something as iconic as Kraft Singles out into the marketplace so more consumers do it? What do you do as a marketer?
记者:这一点让我觉得很熟悉。我的孩子就喜欢吃卡夫芝士片,可能是因为我妻子和我的原因,我不知道,但我是吃着卡夫芝士长大的,我的意思是那是我家里的主食,我们的孩子也很喜欢。您是怎样做使你们诸如此类的传统产品更好地打入市场 =呢?作为商人,你们是怎样做的呢?
Rosenfeld: What you do is you pick up on the fact that it is the number one cheese used in making grilled cheese, which is one of America’s favorite foods. And so we are finding again, in this difficult economic environment, there is nothing more exciting to a consumer than grilled cheese and a bowl of soup. And so we are able to benefit greatly from people’s desire to return to economical, delicious alternatives.
Reporter: I understand marketing but, nothing more exciting than grilled cheese and a bowl of soup?