They help us deal with anxiety, depression and painful experiences and emotions.
帮助我们处理焦虑不安处理抑郁和痛苦的经历 及情感问题
When we cultivate the positive, we are essentially focusing on prevention.
Let me explain.
What has been found over the last 10 years And a little bit longer is the most effective way of actually dealing with a rising levels of depression in our culture,
With individual depression or anxiety is actually not to focus on the depression and anxiety directly
That is important as well. It is found that the most effective way
这点也很重要事实证明 处理这种现象
Of dealing with this phenomenon was actually to cultivate the positive, to cultivate personal strengths,
To cultivate and identify one's passions, to ask a question such as what is meaningful to me in my life?
培育激情提出这种问题 我人生中什么是有意义的?
What's my purpose? Why am I here? What do I really, really want to do once I graduate?
People who ask these questions and spend time on these questions,
Are much more likely to begin a quest that is not the avoid of painful emotions
No quest is but the quest is more enjoyable, more pleasurable,