So it strengthens our immune system. And another analogy we can use is of an engine.
If we have a small engine, and we have to pull the car up a steep hill, a difficult hill,
The engine is more likely to collapse, to blow up. Whereas If our engine is large,
引擎很容易损毁 爆炸但如果我们的引擎够大
We are much more likely to get up that hill, and to do it gracefully with relative ease.
So what we are doing: we cultivate the positive; we are strengthening our, metaphorically speaking,
所以我们在做的是 培养积极性按那个比喻来说 我们正在增强
Psychological engine ; and we are better able to deal with the negative to zero,
心理 引擎 我们能够更好将负值转化为零
Not to mention the fact that we are also able to become happier. Because happiness does not just come spontaneously
When we negate unhappiness. I want to go back to our local village.
不会因为消除了忧愁 就变得快乐我想说说我们这里的事
So remember last time I put up the article by the Crimson (Harvard Crimson magazine)
That was unfortunately I couldn't find a more recent one that was 2004?
很可惜我找不到更近期一点的 那是2004年的?
But the situation is rather similar today. And one of the things that the Crimson article said is that
We need to put more resources into mental health at Harvard. And that's important, I agree.
我们需要为哈佛学生的心理健康投入更多这点很重要的 我非常赞同
However, it's only part of the picture. In some different places as well not only, as well.