With regard to the LGBT community fundamental --.
的态度 发生了根本的改观 根本的
Now an absolute majority of the American people are fully supportive of extending all rights to the LGBT community.
现在 美国绝大多数人 都支持赋予LGBT群体所有的平等权利
Including the right to choose who they marry Eleven states have already moved on marriage equality.
包括选择其婚姻对象 十一个州通过了婚姻平等法案
That's you! That's you! On immigration there is now overwhelming support among the American people.
这是你们 这是你们在行动 美国人现在对此是一边倒的支持
To bring 11 million undocumented men, women and children out of the shadows, on the path to earn citizenship.
让1100万没有得到法律认可的男人 女人和小孩 摆脱阴影 走上获得公民权的道路
And that's all changed within the last four years We've ended the war in Iraq and we will end the war in Afghanistan.
这些变化都发生在最近四年 我们结束了伊拉克战争 我们也将结束阿富汗战争
And economically, we regained our footing Today, we're better positioned than any nation in the world.
而经济上 我们重新站稳脚跟 如今 我们的位置比世界其它任何国家都要稳固
To lead the 21st century I love to hear people tell me -- now to use the vernacular --.
引领着二十一世纪的方向 我喜欢听人告诉我 用时髦的话说
"China's going to eat our lunch" China's a great nation.
"中国将吃掉我们的午餐" 中国是个伟大的国家
And we should hope for the continued expansion but ladies and gentlemen.
我们当然希望看到中国的持续发展 但女士们 先生们
Their problems are immense and they lack much of what we have.
他们的问题很大 他们缺少我们所拥有的很多东西