They fall short Finally I'm going to propose that an expansive legal regime being put in place that covers all contractors that have an affiliation with the.
United States, whether US nationals working for the US government or foreign nationals working under contract for a foreign corporation.
On foreign soil So first I want to talk about two such core preventions that can be used when contractors are specifically accused of.
Torture or violations of laws of war First is the War Crimes Act 1996 which provides for prosecution of those who promote war crimes including torture.
In order to apply the offender or the victim must be a US national In addition the Military Commissions Act of 2006 narrowed the definition of what offenses.
Fall under this act So for instance it wouldn't include things like outrages upon personal dignity of prisoners which.
Could be how you could characterise what happened at Abu Ghraib Nevertheless the War Crimes Act does appear to provide a powerful tool to prosecute private.
Military forces accused of crimes overseas provided that they or their victims are US nationals But the US government has not to date had.
Single prosecution under the War Crimes Act Another of these such core preventions is the anti-torture statute which was implemented.
没有以《战争罪法》的名义提起一项刑事诉讼另外一个预防法是反虐待法 它是为响应