Reporter: When you joined Google it was just a search engine. Now it’s redefining the way the world thinks about computing. Explain.

Schmidt: It‘s pretty clear that there’s an architectural shiReporter going on. These occur every 10 or 20 years. The previous architecture was a proprietary network with PC clients called client-server computing. With this new architecture you’re always online; every device can see every application; and the applications are stored in the cloud. It means that your servers are professionally managed, so you can actually have a weekend and not spend all your time trying to manage your servers. It’s like having banks manage your money rather than you managing your money. And the networks have become secure, and the computers have become fast enough that this is mechanically possible—it actually works. The other thing that’s interesting is that the new architecture brings in other voices. The earlier model was pretty proprietary. The protocols, which were typically Microsoft-based, didn’t allow for other (interface) choices very well. Now, with the Internet protocols you can pretty much plug in your own interpretation of how email should work and your own interpretation of how voice over IP should work. This point about anyone being able to enter the market is a big deal. Photo sharing, social networks, all of them have this property. And what’s interesting is that Google, although we’re one of the companies, we're, by far, not the only company that’s doing this. Yahoo is an example of a company like this. eBay is a company like this. Amazon is a company like this. And each of the companies I’ve named makes money in a different way.
施密特:很显然,现在有很多结构方面的转变,每10年或20年就会发生一次。 之前的结构是个人计算机客户带来的专有网络,那被称为客户机-服务器计算。 新的结构是客户机一直在线,每一个装置都对应一个应用程序,这些诮用程序也都被保存了起来。这就表明了你的服务器得到了很专业的管理,这样的话事实上你就能好好过一个周末而不是把所有的时间都用来管理您的服务器。这就像是让银行来管理你的钱而不是自己来进行管理。这样的话,网络就会变得很安全,计算机的速度也会发展得足够快,这在机械方面是有可能的,而且这也确实有效。还有一件有趣的事情就是新的结构带来了其他的声音。早期的形式都是非常专有的,典型地就是基于微软的协议,并不允许选择其他的接口。现在有了互联网协议,你可以插入很多自己的诠释,电子邮件应该怎样工作,互联网协议语音技术应该怎样工作等等。还有一点是任何人都可以进入市场中去,这是一件重要的事情。分享图片、社交网络等这些都有这样的特征。有趣的是,至今为止,谷歌并不是唯一一家这样做的公司,雅虎、易趣和亚马逊也都是这样,但是我说的这些公司都以不同的方式为公司营利。
Reporter: Right. Isn’t it more likely that we’ll have a hybrid model—with some applications in the cloud and others on the desktop?
Schmidt: It depends. There is not a middle ground when it comes to protocols. In order for this vision (of cloud computing) to work, the protocols have to be open. They can’t be proprietary. Everyone has to have access to them. So that’s a clear, binary answer. With respect to the user experience, which I think is your real question, a hybrid works depending on how it’s architected. Games are a good example because it,s very, very hard to imagine games that are network resident only. They’re so highly interactive.
Reporter: Right.
Schmidt: But it’s perfectly possible to have most of the other computing being done on the server, so that’s an example of a hybrid model. If it’s something (like a video or a document or a spreadsheet) where there’s relatively few changes (to the file), you can put it on a service (in the cloud) and then you can cache it locally.
Reporter: All these features don’t exist yet, though.