Reporter: Is the philosophy behind what is allowed to be offered on iTunes—what I mean is the Internet, as you know,is—is complete and utter freedom? You can put up there almost anything that you wanna put up there. And mostly that’s a great thing. But there is a certain degree of anarchy involved with that. Is—is that the same philosophy when it comes to the podcasts that are gonna be available?
Jobs: You know, it is. Except that—on our directory —you know, we're not—we're not allowing any pornography. And we’re not allowing—you know, copyright infringement and things like that. But other than those few guidelines you know, it’s the Wild West.

Reporter: How big do you expect podcasting to get in the future? How do you,say, envision this technology being used in three years, four years? Give us your opinion on these questions.
Jobs: Well, you know, it’s amazing. I think one of the most precious resources we all have these days is free time. And that’s one of the great things about an iPod is you can use it while you’re doing other stuff. So you can use it while you’re exercising. You can use it while you’re taking the subway to work—driving to work, et cetera. And what podcasting does is it lets me pick out those precise things I’m interested in. Whether it’s a podcast on—you know, on new films that have just come out, on— on— on— on news, on music, whatever. And it automatically— every time there’s a new episode of that particular show, it automatically puts it on iTunes and syncs it to my iPod. So without any work on my part whatsoever, when I’m driving to work tomorrow, the latest and greatest episodes of the podcasts that I’ve picked have already been right on my iPod, saving me a ton of time. It’s an amazing thing, right? And it’s the most personalized thing we’ve ever done. Because you get to pick out of these 3,000 podcasts as you know, but actually who knows the exact number? Maybe there’ll be 10,000 podcasts soon. You get to pick up which ones you’re interested in. And, again, you have the latest and greatest episodes delivered right to your iPod. And that’s —that’s pretty profound when you think about it.
乔布斯:你知道,那是非常不错的。我想,我们如今所有的一个最宝贵的优势就是不需要花费什么时间。当你使用iPod的时候,你可以同时做其他的事情,这是很棒的一点。所以你可以在锻炼的时候、坐地铁去上班的时候以及开车的时候等等都能使用我们的产品。关于播客会发展到什么样,让我来说出S己感兴趣的几点。不管这个播客是有关于刚刚上映的电影、 新闻、音乐,还是有关于其他方面的,它都是自动的。每当有最新的片段或者内容上传到播客的时候,它都会自动地上传到iTunes,同时也传到我的iPod中。所以不需要我个人的努力,当我明天下班开车回家的时候,我所选择的播客里那些最新最好的内容就已经在我的iPod里面了,这给我节省了好多时间。这很奇妙,是不是?我想这是我们做的最人性化的一点。 因为你需要从3000个播客,但实际上谁知道准确数字到底是多少呢?也可能很快就会有1万个播客,你要选择自己感兴趣的,然后将最新的内容上传到自己的 iPod中,当你想想这个的时候,你都会觉得它很伟大。
Reporter: The—Apple’s obviously-been a huge player in all sorts of technological advancements. You guys, you know, launched the personal computer revolution in the ‘70s with the Apple II. You reinvented in the ‘80s with the Mac. Some critics of your company say that Apple is currently betting the company on iPod. And computer sales are not as important as before. Do you think that’s a fair criticism? How do you respond to that? Will the iPod gradually take the place of Mac in the future?
记者:苹果在所有种类的技术改进中都做得很好,你们在上世纪70年代的时候推出Apple II来对个人计算机进行改革,在80年代的时候又重新发明了Mac。一些关于你们公司的评论家说,苹果公司现在将赌注压在iPod上面,计算机的销售已经不像以前那么重要。您认为这种评论公平吗?您对此的看法是什么呢?未来iPod会逐渐取代Mac的地位吗?