What Do People Do All Day?
A presentation by me.
Most people go to work, which is less fun than bowling with your friends. My dad works in business. He says it's just as fun as bowling, but I'm not so sure. He says that it's important for people to be engaged in their work, that it makes them do a good job. My dad says only one in 10 people are engaged. He's so engaged that they've recently gave him an award.
When people aren't engaged, they get very fidgety and stare out of the window, thinking of all the other things they would rather be doing. My dad says almost half of the people who aren't engaged are already looking for other jobs. And people who aren't excited about coming to work are 2.5 times more likely to pretend they have a tummy ache and stay in bed, which costs UK businesses over 32 billion pounds a year.
当人们对工作不投入时,他们会变得很坐立难安,然后盯着窗外看,想着所有他们宁可现在在做的其它事情。我爸爸说几乎有一半没有投入感的人已经在找其它工作了。而对去上班不觉得兴奋的人,他们假装肚子痛然后待在床上的可能多出 2.5 倍,那一年花掉英国企业超过 320 亿英镑。
My dad's boss hired a very clever woman, with shiny shoes, who's helped everyone understand their jobs and feel part of a great, big team all playing the same game. Dad says when you feel good about your work, you can't wait to get out of bed and try even harder than the day before.
The very clever woman makes sure that the boss spends time with everyone in the company, to ask them for all their brilliant ideas, and that everyone has all the information they need to be able to work together to do amazing things. The very clever woman says that people who are involved in their work are 87 percent more likely to stay in their jobs and 70 percent more likely to be nicer to their customers.
Since that woman arrived, my dad's company has grown three times as fast as the people next door and made 43 percent more profit. My dad's boss was so pleased he took everyone bowling!
And the very clever woman is always thinking of new ways for people to want to work together in the future. She will probably be the boss of the company by then, or she might even be the minister of engagement for the government. By then, people from different countries might be able to use their computer phones to understand each other in one special language.

When I grow up, I can go to a holographic meeting or send my avatar to work for me. Someday you might even be able to work in your sleep and have the boss sending messages to your brain. People will work from anywhere. We'll still want to go to the office to have fun and be with people. When I start work, I think I'll hold an election so that everyone can decide who the boss is.
Maybe work isn't so bad after all. I think I might even try it one day. But I need to finish primary school first.