"Quantum theory is very worthy of regard," he observed politely, but he really didnt like it. "God doesnt play dice," he said. Or at least that is how it is nearly always rendered. The actual quote was: "It seems hard to sneak a look at Gods cards. But that He plays dice and uses ‘telepathic methods. . . is something that I cannot believe for a single moment."
Einstein couldnt bear the notion that God could create a universe in which some things were forever unknowable. Moreover, the idea of action at a distance—that one particle could instantaneously influence another trillions of miles away—was a stark violation of the special theory of relativity. This expressly decreed that nothing could outrace the speed of light and yet here were physicists insisting that, somehow, at the subatomic level, information could. (No one, incidentally, has ever explained how the particles achieve this feat. Scientists have dealt with this problem, according to the physicist Yakir Aharanov, "by not thinking about it.")

Above all, there was the problem that quantum physics introduced a level of untidiness that hadnt previously existed. Suddenly you needed two sets of laws to explain the behavior of the universe—quantum theory for the world of the very small and relativity for the larger universe beyond. The gravity of relativity theory was brilliant at explaining why planets orbited suns or why galaxies tended to cluster, but turned out to have no influence at all at the particle level.