In most of these cultures, people don't eat alone
unless there is no one else for hundreds of miles, you know, you just travel to eat with other people
And I'm just gonna tell you one last little story and that was that here I was in the highlands of Crete
I was trudging around; I was trying to find the secrets for the traditional diet of Crete
And this woman, this elderly woman came riding up on her mule
And she stopped and she looked at me and I must've looked just terrible
And it's not a part of Crete where you see a lot choice and she said, what are you doing here?
这里没什么工具,只能靠走,她问 "你在干嘛"
And I said to tell her I was looking for the traditional diet, I wanted to know about her recipes and her secret

And all of a sudden I could tell she just wasn't listening to me at all
She got off her mule and she said, look, you look so horrible, Get on
而是突然从骡上跳下说 "你脸色很差","上来"
Can you imagine
being in your 40s and being led back to a hotel room
by a woman who is probably in her 90s and dropped off at the front door, how humiliating that is
So my only conclusion was when I'm her age, I wanted be just like her and these are the ways to do it, so thank you so much
The question was the year and the month of the National Geographic that had all the reports of longevity
And I apologize. I can look it up on the Internet, I probably could do it right now and look it up for you