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权利的游戏 第859期:第四十九章 凯特琳(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • His "boys" were both older than Catelyn, and she might have wished that they did not take after their father quite so closely.
  • 他的两个“小鬼”年纪都比凯特琳大,她还真希望他父子三人不要长得那么相像。
  • Sir Wylis was only a few eels short of not being able to mount his own horse; she pitied the poor animal.
  • 威里斯爵士若是再重一点,大概也骑不成马了;她真心怜悯他的坐骑。
  • Sir Wendel, the younger boy, would have been the fattest man she'd ever known,
  • 年纪较轻的文德尔爵士也算得上是她所知最胖的人,
  • had she only neglected to meet his father and brother.
  • 假如她没遇见他父亲和哥哥的话。
  • Wylis was quiet and formal, Wendel loud and boisterous;
  • 威里斯为人沉默多礼,文德尔则粗声粗气,
  • both had ostentatious walrus mustaches and heads as bare as a baby's bottom;
  • 两人都有大把海象式的长胡子,头秃得像新生婴儿的屁股,
  • neither seemed to own a single garment that was not spotted with food stains.
  • 而且几乎每件衣服都沾染了食物痕迹。
  • Yet she liked them well enough; they had gotten her to Robb, as their father had vowed, and nothing else mattered.
  • 不过,她挺喜欢他们,他们依约护送她到了罗柏身边,如他们父亲所保证的,这样就足够了。
  • She was pleased to see that her son had sent eyes out, even to the east.
  • 看到儿子连东边也派出了斥候,她感到很高兴。
  • The Lannisters would come from the south when they came, but it was good that Robb was being careful.
  • 兰尼斯特军出现时会在南方,但罗柏谨慎行事毕竟是好的。
  • My son is leading a host to war, she thought, still only half believing it.
  • 我儿正领军出征,她心里想,依然不太敢相信。
  • She was desperately afraid for him, and for Winterfell, yet she could not deny feeling a certain pride as well.
  • 她非常为他,也为临冬城担心害怕,但她不能否认心里也同样感到骄傲。
  • A year ago he had been a boy. What was he now? she wondered.
  • 一年之前,他还只是个孩子,如今的他变成什么样了?她不禁纳闷。
  • Outriders spied the Manderly banners, the white merman with trident in hand, rising from a blue-green sea, and hailed them warmly.
  • 骑马斥候看见了曼德勒家族的旗帜——手握三叉戟的白色人鱼,自蓝绿海洋中缓缓升起——便热情地招呼他们。


His "boys" were both older than Catelyn, and she might have wished that they did not take after their father quite so closely. Sir Wylis was only a few eels short of not being able to mount his own horse; she pitied the poor animal. Sir Wendel, the younger boy, would have been the fattest man she'd ever known, had she only neglected to meet his father and brother. Wylis was quiet and formal, Wendel loud and boisterous; both had ostentatious walrus mustaches and heads as bare as a baby's bottom; neither seemed to own a single garment that was not spotted with food stains. Yet she liked them well enough; they had gotten her to Robb, as their father had vowed, and nothing else mattered.

She was pleased to see that her son had sent eyes out, even to the east. The Lannisters would come from the south when they came, but it was good that Robb was being careful. My son is leading a host to war, she thought, still only half believing it. She was desperately afraid for him, and for Winterfell, yet she could not deny feeling a certain pride as well. A year ago he had been a boy. What was he now? she wondered.
Outriders spied the Manderly banners, the white merman with trident in hand, rising from a blue-green sea, and hailed them warmly.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
walrus ['wɔ:lrəs]


n. 海象

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

boisterous ['bɔistərəs]


adj. 喧闹的,狂暴的

garment ['gɑ:mənt]


n. 衣服
vt. 给 ... 披上衣服,覆上

ostentatious [.ɔsten'teiʃəs]


adj. 装饰表面的,浮夸的,华美的





