"We did, and, Tedo, you know, I helped you in prosecuting (or persecuting) your tutor,
whey-faced Mr. Vining — the parson in the pip, as we used to call him.
He and Miss Wilson took the liberty of falling in love with each other — at least Tedo and I thought so.
他和威尔逊小姐胆大妄为,竟谈情说爱起来 — 至少特多和我是这么想的。
We surprised sundry tender glances and sighs which we interpreted as tokens of 'la belle passion,'
我们当场看到他们温存地眉目传情,哀声叹气,并把这些理解为"la belle passion"的表现,
and I promise you the public soon had the benefit of our discovery.
We employed it as a sort of lever to hoist our dead-weights from the house.
Dear mama, there, as soon as she got an inkling of the business, found out that it was of an immoral tendency.
Did you not, my lady-mother?"

"Certainly, my best. And I was quite right.
Depend on that: there are a thousand reasons why liaisons between governesses
and tutors should never be tolerated a moment in any well-regulated house. Firstly..."
"Oh, gracious, mama! Spare us the enumeration! Au reste, we all know them.
Danger of bad example to innocence of childhood;
distractions and consequent neglect of duty on the part of the attached — mutual alliance and reliance;
confidence thence resulting — insolence accompanying — mutiny and general blow-up.
而狂妄自恃 — 傲馒无礼伴之而生 — 会造成冲突和对抗的总爆发。
Am I right, Baroness Ingram, of Ingram Park?"
"My lily-flower, you are right now, as always."
"Then no more need be said. Change the subject."