Musee d'Orsay—Paris
When it rains in Paris, you can either stop for a glass of wine or head for a museum. If you're lucky, you might even get a little traveling music along the way. One of the greatest art museums in Paris is the Musee d'Orsay on the left bank of the River Seine. The Orsay was once a train station. It opened in 1900 just in time for the Paris World Exposition. By 1939, the platforms in the Beaux-Arts style building were deemed too short to handle long-distance trains, so it was relegated to suburban trains. By 1970, it was scheduled for demolition in order to make way for a new hotel, but government officials stepped in to save it, eventually deciding it should be renovated and converted into an art museum, featuring works of art created between 1848 to 1915.
当巴黎下起雨时,你可以停下脚步喝杯酒,或动身前往博物馆。如果你很幸运的话,沿途中你可能还会有些旅行配乐。巴黎其中一座最杰出的博物馆是位在塞纳河左岸的奥塞博物馆。奥塞博物馆曾是座火车站。它在 1900 年开幕,恰好赶上巴黎世界博览会。到了 1939 年,这栋布杂艺术风建筑物内的月台被认为长度不足应付长程列车,因此被降为近郊列车专用。到了 1970 年,车站预定被拆除以腾出空间盖新饭店,不过政府官员介入拯救了车站,最终决定它应该被翻新并转变为一座艺术博物馆,展出 1848 至 1915 年间的艺术品。
The Orsay now has the largest collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist art in the world. When it opened in December 1986, it had 2,000 paintings and 600 pieces of sculpture, a fraction of what the Louvre has, but it doesn't leave you feeling overwhelmed. Unfortunately, photography is not allowed in the galleries.
奥塞博物馆如今拥有全世界最大量的印象派和后印象派艺术收藏品。在 1986 年十二月开幕时,馆内有两千幅画作以及六百件雕塑,是罗浮宫馆藏的一部分,但奥塞博物馆并不会让你觉得不知所措。可惜的是,展间内不允许摄影。

Perhaps the most beautiful work of art is the building itself. One of the most iconic elements of the building are its clocks. The one overlooking the old platforms is as beautiful as any piece of art. The exterior clocks offer a unique perspective. You can look out from the backside of the giant timepieces and see parts of the city, like Montmartre, where many of the artists whose work is displayed at the Orsay today lived and worked.
The Orsay is truly one of the world's greatest museums and definitely should be on everyone's must-see list—rain or shine.