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木偶奇遇记(MP3+中英字幕) 第118期:在玩具国享乐(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • As soon as they had set foot in that land, Pinocchio, Lamp-Wick, and all the other boys who had traveled with them
  • 皮诺乔、小灯芯,以及一起来的孩子,一步入这个地方
  • started out on a tour of investigation.
  • 就马上开始进行了调查之旅。
  • They wandered everywhere, they looked into every nook and corner, house and theater.
  • 他们到处晃荡,查看每一个角落、房子和剧院。
  • They became everybody's friend. Who could be happier than they?
  • 他们和所有人交上了朋友。还有谁能比他们更幸福的呢?
  • What with entertainments and parties, the hours, the days, the weeks passed like lightning.
  • 在娱乐和派对中,一个钟头又一个钟头,一天又一天,一个星期又一个星期,像闪电似地过去了。
  • "Oh, what a beautiful life this is!" said Pinocchio each time that, by chance, he met his friend Lamp-Wick.
  • “噢!多美的生活啊!”皮诺乔每次碰到小灯芯就说。
  • "Was I right or wrong?" answered Lamp-Wick. "And to think you did not want to come!
  • “我的话没错吧?”小灯芯回答说,“还说你不想来呢!
  • To think that even yesterday the idea came into your head to return home to see your Fairy and to start studying again!
  • 甚至昨天你还想回你那个仙女的家去,重新开始学习呢!
  • If today you are free from pencils and books and school, you owe it to me, to my advice, to my care.
  • 你今天用不着再为铅笔、书本和学校伤脑筋了,你都得谢谢我,谢谢我的好主意,我对你的关心。
  • Do you admit it? Only true friends count, after all."
  • 你承认吗?毕竟只有真正的朋友才会这么做。”
  • "It's true, Lamp-Wick, it's true. If today I am a really happy boy, it is all because of you.
  • “你说得对,小灯芯,你说得对。今天我成为真正快活的孩子,全都多亏了你。
  • And to think that the teacher, when speaking of you, used to say, 'Do not go with that Lamp-Wick!
  • 可你知道老师跟我是怎么讲你的?他总是说:‘别跟小灯芯在一起,
  • He is a bad companion and some day he will lead you astray.'"
  • 小灯芯是个坏伙伴,只会把你引入歧途。’”


As soon as they had set foot in that land, Pinocchio, Lamp-Wick, and all the other boys who had traveled with them started out on a tour of investigation.

They wandered everywhere, they looked into every nook and corner, house and theater.
They became everybody's friend. Who could be happier than they?
What with entertainments and parties, the hours, the days, the weeks passed like lightning.
"Oh, what a beautiful life this is!" said Pinocchio each time that, by chance, he met his friend Lamp-Wick.
"Was I right or wrong?" answered Lamp-Wick. "And to think you did not want to come!
To think that even yesterday the idea came into your head to return home to see your Fairy and to start studying again!
If today you are free from pencils and books and school, you owe it to me, to my advice, to my care.
Do you admit it? Only true friends count, after all."
"It's true, Lamp-Wick, it's true. If today I am a really happy boy, it is all because of you.
And to think that the teacher, when speaking of you, used to say, 'Do not go with that Lamp-Wick! He is a bad companion and some day he will lead you astray.'"

重点单词   查看全部解释    
lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

companion [kəm'pænjən]


n. 同伴,同事,成对物品之一,(船的)甲板间扶梯(或扶





