Today is the New York primary so I thought it would be the perfect time to play
今天恰好 是(美大选)纽约州初选 我觉得这是一个很棒的时机
a new game we're calling Law or not a Law. Okay.
让我们来玩一个游戏 “是法律或者不是法律” 好的
We just thought of it this afternoon so we don't have a better title or. Or a song.
今天下午的时候 我们才刚想到这个主意 所以也没给这个游戏起个更好的名字 或者 歌名
The way it works is we're going to see a law from New York and
游戏规则如下 我们将会看到一些纽约州的法令
we're all going to have to guess if it's a real law or something we made up.
我们要来猜一猜 这法律条款是真实存在的 还是我们编造出来的
You all have a card under your chair because we didn't have time to make paddles,
在你们的椅子下面 有一张卡片 因为w我们还没来得及 做选项牌
so if you have a stick in your purse you can actually attach it and
所以 如果你的钱包里有张小纸片 你也可以把它粘在你的椅子下面

have your own paddle. Twitch and I are going to play along, we have not seen these.
这样你也有了自己的选项牌 Twitch和我 将一起参与这个游戏 我们以前没见过这些
So, we will all look at it, and decide if it's a law or not a law. Let's see.
所以 让我们一起来看看 判断到底是不是真的法律 我们一会儿就知道了
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in their pocket.
不允许人们 在周日 揣着冰淇淋甜筒出门
It sounds like that's too crazy. Yeah. I think it might be a law.
这听上去太疯狂了 对 我觉得这可能是个法律
Wait, what? All right, let's see the next one.
等一下 什么?好的 我们来看下一个
Women may go topless in public, providing. it's not being used as a business.
允许女性在公共场合真空着装 且可与商业活动无关
In New York? I'm gonna say, I don't know. I say, no.
在纽约?我想说...我也不知道 我说 这不合法吧
And she can have an ice cream corner party too. Let's see the next one.
她还可以在街角 举办一个冰淇淋甜筒的派对 让我们看看下一个
Men are allowed to whistle at passing attractive women only if it's recognizable tune.
男人允许在经过漂亮女性身边时 小声哼唱 但音调必须可以识别
No Yeah. But why can't? That should be okay if it's a, anyway.
不 哦 答对了 可是 为什么不允许呢 其他条件也应该被允许啊 比如它... 算了
See the next one. It is illegal to teach your parrot to rap without a permit.
看看下一个 不经允许 你无权教你的鹦鹉如何说唱
Oh,Come on. You know what?Just because it seems so stupid.
哦 拜托 你知道么 你不能就因为 它看上去很愚蠢 就判定这是违法的
I do think you should have a permit to teach a parrot to rap, though.
虽然 我确实认为 你应该有权 教你的鹦鹉如何说唱
Let's see the next one. It is illegal for men to go topless in the center of town.
再看看下一个 不允许裸身行走在市中心
Just the center of town? The perimeters. And who cares if men are topless?
就只有市中心? 那我们周围呢 还有 谁会在乎男人是不是裸着
So women can go topless, but men cannot go topless. Let's see the next one.
所以 女人可以赤裸着 但是男人却不行 再看下一个
If a grocery store patron squeezes a melon for more than five seconds, they must purchase it.
如果在杂货店 顾客捏着瓜果的时间超过5秒钟 他就必须把它买下来
That actually I know is a law. I was thinking of Sherman.
我知道它真的是一项法令 我在想 谢尔曼(位于得克萨斯州)
Let's see the next one. Foreplay is forbidden in cars parked at drive-in theaters while the film is being projected.
来看下一个 如果你是在戏剧院的停车场 而电影还在放影中时 禁止前戏
Okay, And, it's the last one. You may only water if the hose is held in your hand.
好的 这是最后一个了 水管必须在你手里 你才可以冲水
As opposed to how else? Like, you're toes? You're like watering somehow.
那还有什么情况 才可以呢? 比如 把水管放在脚趾上?你像是这样子 在浇水
That's how you play Law or Not a Law, which will probably be the last time.
这就是 “法律或者非法律” 很可能是我们最后一次玩这个了
Tune in. Next time we play IRS tax code or not an IRS tax code. We'll be back.
进广告啦 下次我们来玩 “是不是国税局的税务代码呢“ 下次见