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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I love watching my audience dance.

Before the show, you're having so much fun, I feel like I just need to share it with the rest of the world.
在节目开始前 你们玩得那么开心 我觉得我得跟其他人一起分享下
Oh, don't you dare look back. Just keep your eyes on me I said you're holding back.
嗷 不许回头看 只能看着我 我说 后背挺直
She said shut up and dance with me. This woman is my destiny.
她说闭嘴 跟我一起跳舞 她就是我命中注定的爱人
She said oh oh oh Shut up and dance with me. Don't you dare look back.
她说 哦哦哦 闭嘴 跟我跳舞 不许回头看
Just keep your eyes on me. I said your holding back
通通只能看着我 我说 后背挺直
She said shut up and dance with me. This woman is my destiny.
她说 闭嘴 跟我跳舞 她就是我命中注定的爱人
She said oh oh oh Shut up and dance with me
她说 哦哦哦 闭嘴 跟我跳舞
Oh oh oh shut up and dance with me Oh oh shut up and dance with me.
哦哦哦 闭嘴 跟我跳舞 哦哦哦 闭嘴 跟我跳舞
Wonderful. Oh, that was wonderful.
太棒了 哦 刚刚真是太棒了
You lost your shoe. You were using the entire stage. There was movements going.
你的鞋都跳不见了 你真是跳遍了整个舞台啊 有很多的动作要做
You were trying all kinds of different things out here

that went with different songs, but it was really good.

虽然是配合其他歌曲的 但是也很不错
People come to this show, and, oh, you love to dance,
大家来现场看这个节目 恩 你们喜欢跳舞
and you also love the products we have in the Ellen shop.
I'm glad you like them. We have new ones that I want to show you.
能得到你们的喜欢我很开心 有一个新品我想让你们看看
There is this really cool beach towel that we have that is, let's see, is it upside down?
我们的新品是一款 很酷的沙滩浴巾 咱们来看看 是不是倒过来了
Yep. So, here's the beach towel, and you can use it, uh, you can play peek-a-boo with it, you know?
是倒了 那么 这里就是沙滩浴巾 你可以用来 呃 你可以用来玩躲猫猫 看到了吧
Um, is that enough, Andy? You can use it as a large dish towel.
呃 安迪 这样够了吗 你可以把它当做一个大号的洗碗巾
You can use it as a sarong or you can use it for so many different things.
你可以把它当个围裙 或者你可以把它当很多其他的东西用
You could use it as a table cloth. I'm not the boss of you. You can do whatever you want.
你可以把它当个桌布 我也不是你的老大 你想怎么用就可以怎么用
And, oh, look at this. We have this new watch.
而且 哦 看这个 我们还有这个新款的手表
Look at this. You know about the iWatches, right?
看看 你们都知道苹果的iWatch 对吧
The is the eWatch, and... Look at that. Very cool.
这个就是eWatch 看看这个 多酷炫
The iWatch, I think it starts at something like $400
苹果的iWatch 我记得起价是四百美元
and goes to something like $1,700 or $17,000?
可能会涨到一千七百美元 或者 一万七千美元吧
Okay, this is only $40, y'all. $40 and it does everything that the iWatch does.
好了 这个可是只要四十美元哦 四十美元 跟苹果的iWatch功能都是一样样的
So you wear this, I mean, you have to have your phone with you
所以你戴上这个 你还得带上你的手机
and do it on your phone, but you wear this you can check your emails and texts and everything
但是你戴上这个手表 就可以用你的手机 查收邮件 查看短信什么的了
while you're wearing this.
And then it looks good with a tank-top,
接着 就是这件好看的背心了
that's what you want to wear the watch with
because there's a little tank top that says
因为 这个背心上面写着
"Have a little fun today."
They're available at the Ellen shop and online, and, uh, are y'all on Instagram?
这些商品艾伦实体店和网上商店都有的 而且 呃 你们都玩照片分享吗
Do you Instagram? Yep? Well, if you are, you might have seen
你玩照片分享吗 玩吧 好的 如果你玩的话 你可能已经看过
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel's baby.
贾斯汀 汀布莱克和杰西卡 比尔的宝宝了
They showed, oh, I mean, look at that.
他们公布出来了 呃 我是说 快看吧
That's Jessica and Silas, their little boy, Silas. He's cute.
那是杰西卡和塞拉斯 他们的儿子 塞拉斯 他很可爱
People are saying that they could have sold the picture to "People Magazine"
大家都说他们 可以把这张照片卖给 “人类杂志”
for millions of dollars, but instead they posted it on Instagram for free.
赚几百万美元 但是他们就直接在照片分享上免费公布了
That is the first parental mistake of many.
That is-- Anyway, congratulations. All three of you are beautiful people.
那真的是 不管怎样 恭喜他们喜得贵子 你们三个长得都很漂亮
And something else on Instagram that I like, it's called "Texts From Your Ex."
照片分享上还有个东西是我很喜欢的 叫做 “奇葩前任的短信”
Do you know about this? Oh, very, very funny.
你们知道那个吗 恩 非常非常搞笑
It's a collection of real texts between exes, and I want to share a few with you right now.
这是个收集现实中前任们短信的合辑 我现在想跟你们分享几个
These are real. Here's the first one.
这都是真的哦 这是第一个
"I wouldn't be mad that you don't want to see me,
你不想见我 我不会生气
"it's that I don't get a shred of an explanation "that drives me insane.
但是 我没有得到只字片语的解释 快要把我折磨疯了
"I thought you at least were a decent friend,
and I'm not trying to make you feel bad for me." "Unsubscribe."
我不是想让你为我感到难过 取消订阅
Still-- still don't know what they did wrong.
还是 还是不知道 他们做错什么了
Here's another one. This was sent Saturday. Uh, "Valentine's coming up."
这还有一个 这个是周六发过来的 呃 情人节快到了
Then on Monday, "will you be my Valentine?"
这个是周一发的 你能做我的情人吗
On Tuesday, "will you be my Valentine?" Today, he texted, "great talk."
周二的 你会做我的情人吗 今天 他发到 跟你聊天很愉快
Here, one more, "you coming to the party?" "What party?"
这里 还有一个 你来派对吗 什么派对
"The party in my pants." "I've already been to that party, and it was a dud,
我裤子里的派对 我已经去过了 啥都没有 就是个哑炮
so no thanks." Oh, no you didn't. Oh, no you didn't.
所以 谢了 不必 哦 不 你没去过 你没有
Aoh...did you want to see more videos? Hold on...
啊欧 你想查看更多视频吗 等等哈
Now the skirt that long was wearing looks like a regular mini skirt,but it's not.
这条裙子穿上去看着就像普通的短裙 但它其实不是普通的裙子
It's called the mini breath.Watch what happens when you hit this buttom.
这个叫做迷你气息 看看你按这个按钮的时候会发生什么

重点单词   查看全部解释    
explanation [.eksplə'neiʃən]


n. 解释,说明

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .



n. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

decent ['di:snt]


adj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的





