Her uncle's face was grave as he swung down off his horse.
"There has been a battle under the walls of Riverrun," he said, his mouth grim.
"We had it from a Lannister outrider we took captive.
The Kingslayer has destroyed Edmure's host and sent the lords of the Trident reeling in flight."
A cold hand clutched at Catelyn's heart. "And my brother?"
"Wounded and taken prisoner," Sir Brynden said.
"Lord Blackwood and the other survivors are under siege inside Riverrun, surrounded by Jaime's host."
Robb looked fretful.
"We must get across this accursed river if we're to have any hope of relieving them in time."
"That will not be easily done," her uncle cautioned.
"Lord Frey has pulled his whole strength back inside his castles, and his gates are closed and barred."
"Damn the man," Robb swore. "If the old fool does not relent and let me cross, he'll leave me no choice but to storm his walls.
I'll pull the Twins down around his ears if I have to, we'll see how well he likes that!"
"You sound like a sulky boy, Robb," Catelyn said sharply.
"A child sees an obstacle, and his first thought is to run around it or knock it down.
A lord must learn that sometimes words can accomplish what swords cannot."