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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

All right. We just suprised Zully with her husband, Enrique and her son Enrique Jr. And we are going to play their favorite game, Heads Up.

好 我们刚才给了祖莉和她丈夫恩里克以及他们的儿子小恩里克惊喜 现在我们要玩他们最喜欢的游戏“Heads Up”了
Today's category is acted out, which means you cannot talk.
今天的类别是表演 就是说不能说话
Zully, you're the better player, I understand, so you're going to be my partner. OK.
祖莉 你玩儿的更好 我知道 所以你和我搭档 好
That means the two Enrique's are together. so Zully, we're going to go first. And you can give clues.
那两位恩里克就是搭档了 祖莉 我们先来 你可以给我提供线索
I think you'll give clues and I'll receive. Is that good? I'll give? Yes. OK. All right.
我觉得你表演我来猜 这样行吗?我来演?对 好 好


So you're going to be here. OK. You all can just stand over there and watch the winners.

你站在那儿 好 你们就站在一边欣赏冠军的表演吧
An Elephant. Got it. Baseball. Yes! Oh. Peeling a banana. Yes.
大象 对了 棒球 对!哦 剥香蕉 对
Selfie. Yes. Oh! Oh! Oh, you-- you stubbed your toe. Yes.
自拍 对 哦!哦!哦 你 你磕到脚了 对
Modeling. Runway. Said it. Oh. Hmm. mm. painting your nails. Manicure.
走秀 T台对了 哦 嗯 嗯 涂指甲油 修指甲
Yes. Yes yes. Oh. Oh. Snow angel! Snow angel!
对 对 对 噢 噢 雪天使 雪天使
Yes. Yes. Oh. Oh. Oh. Uh-- Oh. You're going to poke a baby and then you're going to rock it. You're going to feed a baby.
对 对 哦哦哦 额 哦 你戳了一下宝宝然后你哄他 你喂宝宝吃饭
Yes. Yes. You're going to brush your teeth. Yes.
对 对 刷牙 对
Oh my god. Cartwheel! Yes. Cartwheel! Oh. Blowing up a balloon. Balloon animals. Yes.
天哪 翻跟斗 对 翻跟斗 哦 吹气球 动物气球 对
Times up. We did it. Yes! Twelve. Yes. Twelve? Yeah. Twelve? You're over here. I'm over here?
时间到 我们做到了 对 12个 嗯 12个?对 12个?你到这儿 我到这儿?
Who's giving? Who's receiving? He's-- All right. Ready? All right. No talking. All right.
谁演谁猜?他 好 准备好了吗?好 不能说话 好
Jumping jacks. No. Ballet? Street performers. No. Pass. Can we pass? Pass.
开合跳 不对 芭蕾?街头表演者 不对 过 我们能过吗?过
Massaging. Massage table. Massage person. Writing a book. Cheating. Cheating on a test.
按摩 按摩床 按摩师 写书 作弊 考试作弊
Rollercoasters. Rollercoaster ride. Giving birth. Pregnancy pain? Uh--
过山车 坐过山车 生孩子 孕痛?呃
Gotta give me something else. OK. Um-- Um-- Oh, magic tricks.
再给点其他的暗示 好 额 额 哦 魔术
Dreading my hair. Braiding my hair. Doing my hair. Straightening my hair. Curling my hair.
理头发 编头发 做头发 拉头发 卷头发
Hula-hooping! They have seven. It's in the bag. It's in the bag.
呼啦圈!他们对了7个 稳操胜券啊 稳操胜券
Good participation. He was going into labor. Oh, going into labor. Going into labor.
参与度很好 他那个是分娩 哦 分娩 分娩
I think they had less time. I mean, we had less time. And the first one was cheerleader.
我感觉他们时间短些 我们的时间比你们少 第一个是拉拉队队员
Oh, cheerleader. That was-- it was pretty good. The cheerleader, I thought. I thought it was. And the going into labor was good, too.
哦 拉拉队队员 拉拉队队员表演的挺好的 我觉得 我觉得也是 分娩表演的也挺好的
I thought so, too. All right, Zully and I won. So guess what? Oh, you're going to freak out.
就是啊 好 我和祖莉赢了 猜猜有啥?你们会兴奋坏的
You're getting a seven day, night-- Get the hell out of here! Fiji! Fiji. Fiji!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

balloon [bə'lu:n]


n. 气球
vt. 使膨胀

partner ['pɑ:tnə]


n. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人
v. 同 ... 合

poke [pəuk]


n. 刺,戳,袋
vt. 拨开,刺,戳

participation [pɑ:.tisi'peiʃən]


n. 参加,参与

pregnancy ['pregnənsi]


n. 怀孕

ballet ['bælei]


n. 芭蕾舞

category ['kætigəri]


n. 种类,类别

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<





