The coral heads are broken down once more.
In the space of two years, a single finger of coral has multiplied into 50 or more.
在二年内 一支珊瑚生长了50倍或更多
Some of these will be re-planted on fresh discs,
while others will be returned to the reef.
If replicated, coral gardening could help restore reefs throughout the Pacific.
如果繁殖成功 珊瑚苗圃将有助于太平洋各处珊瑚礁的修复
But its biggest success may be in sowing the seeds of conservation in the local fishermen.
但它最大的成功或许是在当地的渔民中播下 保护珊瑚思想的种子
Within days, these cuttings will have stuck themselves to the reef,
几天之内 这些切条将附着在珊瑚礁上
while reefs that were replanted a year ago are already starting to bloom.
In a few more years, this area should be awash with fish.
再过几年 这片区域就会充满鱼群
So there's hope for coastal fisheries on which local people depend.