1.take a knee 单膝下跪
例句:All I know is when a black athlete decided to take a knee during the national anthem to protest injustice in this country people booed, attacked on Twitter, and in interviews.
我所知的一切就是一个黑人运动员在国歌响起时决定单膝跪地来抗议这个国家存在于人们的嘘声,推特的攻击,和采访中的不公 。
2.ire 愤怒
例句:We talk about the surface emotions, the ire or indifference, and blame the other.
我们讨论表面的情绪、忿怒或是漠不关心,并且责怪另一方 。
n. 忿怒 vt. 使发怒