We read that terminology again on page 615,
middle of the page
He says, and he says it derisively, "The just and the noble King!"
他说 他带着嘲笑地讲"这正直和高贵的国王"
Well those will be certainly terms we'd apply to Arthur
好吧 当然我们也会用这些词来形容亚瑟
"Yes, it is easy to be fair when it's over"
"是的 当它结束时就很容易变得公正"
And what's gonna happen?
The whole fellowship will be blotted out
So the clear intent of Mordred is to rid everyone of Arthur
因此 莫德雷德清晰的意图是除去亚瑟的每个人
And his plan is, you know, if the guy's nuts
他的计划是 你们知道 如果他是个难对付的家伙
He talks about patterns
He talks about a pattern, particularly on top of 615,
616 特别是在615 616页的上面 他说到一个模式
He says, "I was thinking of a pattern, Jenny, a simple pattern"
他说"我曾一直在考虑一个模式 詹妮 一个简单的模式"
she watched him without speaking
她看着他 没有说话
"Yes my father committed incest with my mother
是的 我父亲犯下了和我母亲乱伦的罪
Don't you think it would be a pattern Jenny?
詹妮 你不认为它将成为一个模式吗
if I were to answer it by marrying my father's wife?"
My answer is "No, cause that's not a pattern
我的回答是"不 因为它不是一个模式
It's strange, but it's not a pattern"
它奇怪 但它不是一个模式
There's, there's no relationship here,
在这 在这并没关系
but he obviously is trying to do anything he can to hurt Arthur