Now, even though both of these molecules are made up of exactly the same building blocks, they are two completely different substances, and they behave completely differently inside of us.
The configuration on the left is called CIS, which you've probably never heard of.
左边的这个结构称为顺式异构体 (CIS),你可能从来也没听过。
The one of the right is called TRANS, and you probably have heard of trans fats before.
右边的这个称为反式异构体 (TRANS),你以前可能有听过反式脂肪。
They don't go rancid, they're more stable during deep frying, and they can change the texture of foods in ways that other fats just can't.
They're also terrible for your health, by far worse than saturated fat, even though technically they're a type of unsaturated fat.

Now, I know that seems crazy, but your body doesn't care what a molecule looks like on paper.
All that matters is the 3-D shape where the molecule fits, where it doesn't, and what pathways it interferes with.
So, how do you know if a food has trans fat in it?
Well, the only sure way to know is if you see the words, "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredients list.
Don't let nutrition labels or advertising fool you.
The FDA allows manufacturers to claim that their products contain "0" grams of trans fat even if they actually have up to half a gram per serving.
But there are no hard and fast rules about how small a serving can be, and, that means, you'll have to rely on seeing those key words, partially hydrogenated, because that's how trans fats are made, by partially hydrogenating unsaturated fats.
但是没有严格的规定限制“每份”最少应该是多少,这就意味着,你得依赖关键字“ 部分氢化”,因为那是制造反式脂肪的方式,即通过部分氢化不饱和脂肪生成。
So, let's go back to our olive oil and pancake mix from before.
Olive oil is 100% fat.
Pancake mix is only 11% fat.
But olive oil is mostly unsaturated fat, and it has no trans fat at all.
On the other hand, more than half the fat in pancake mix is either saturated or trans fat.
And, so, even though olive oil has 10 times as much fat as pancake mix, it's healthy for you, whereas pancake mix is not.
Now, I'm not trying to pick on pancake mix.
There are lots of foods with this type of fat profile.
The point is this: It's not how much fat you eat, it's what kind of fat.
And what makes a particular fat healthy or unhealthy is its shape.