And yes, there was a lot of conflict and debate and argument,
but that allowed everyone around the table to be creative, to solve the problem, and to change the device.
Joe was what a lot of people might think of as a whistle-blower, except that like almost all whistle-blowers,
he wasn't a crank at all, he was passionately devoted to the organization and the higher purposes that that organization served.
But he had been so afraid of conflict, until finally he became more afraid of the silence.
And when he dared to speak, he discovered much more inside himself and much more give in the system than he had ever imagined.

And his colleagues don't think of him as a crank. They think of him as a leader.
So, how do we have these conversations more easily and more often?
Well, the University of Delft requires that its PhD students have to submit five statements that they're prepared to defend.
It doesn't really matter what the statements are about, what matters is that the candidates are willing and able to stand up to authority.
I think it's a fantastic system, but I think leaving it to PhD candidates is far too few people, and way too late in life.