Picking up today, working on Chrétien
It's always a little curious to me on how the knightly stuff keeps getting the paper, not to bore you with this
对于他我一直有着很强的好奇心 他是如何让骑士的故事跃然纸上 而不让我们感到厌烦
But there are a couple of recent comics that I blew out for your benefit
If you don't read newspaper
one shows a knight going into an outhouse
and there's a can opener on the side of it that says, "Please replace when done"
看见一个开瓶器的一面写着这样的文字 "用毕请更换"
The other one though, and we're not supposed to do anything to kind of tie this course to space and time
We're not suppose to say, 'oh election year' or anything like that,
but this one is kind of interesting because of its cleverness
With regard to With regard to Bobby Knight and his pal and his firing,
and of course his reaction in campus so it shows the knight just beat the hell out of somebody
以及他的所作所为 漫画中展示了骑士把某个人打得屁滚尿流的画面
I said 'geeze' all I said was 'hey what's up knight?'
我所想说的是"天呀 你怎么了骑士"
so I thought that was very clever
I couldn't remember
我有点想不大起来 了
I emailed a friend of mine who teaches English, a full professor English, trying to hunt after the title of the book
我给我一位做全职英文教授的朋友发邮件 想找出上次想告诉你们的
I was trying to tell you about last time
and I kind of come up with something
And then she said 'I wrote' and said I emailed her said, 'you think that's right?
之后她发给了我说 "你认为这个对吗"
and she said 'Well, I tell ya? that sounds right'
然后她说'我告诉你 这个听起来挺对的
I take more and more ginkgo biloba everyday
but it doesn't seem to help, seem to have diminished ability
但是看起来它没起到什么作用 好像反而使我的能力一天天的减弱了