But I needed something else. I needed something to go that extra mile, and I found it in that metaphor which I had learned from my mother when I was four.
The metaphor of Mahishasura Mardhini, of Durga. Durga, the mother goddess, the fearless one, created by the pantheon of Hindu gods.
Durga, resplendent, bedecked, beautiful, her 18 arms ready for warfare, as she rode astride her lion into the battlefield to destroy Mahishasur.
Durga, the epitome of creative feminine energy, or shakti.
Durga, the fearless one. I made that image of Durga and her every attribute, her every nuance, my very own.
Powered by the symbology of a myth and the passion of my training, I brought laser-sharp focus into my dance, laser-sharp focus to such an extent that I danced a few weeks after surgery.